AIYA! Why must I visit ABZ's blog?


Seven things to be done before my death
Go to Hong Kong
Get Married
At least help change a few people's lives
Play with snow
Get someone who will love me? Is it even possible??
Be a famous designer

Seven things I will not do even if it kills me
More piercings
Be a doctor
Kill somebody
Betray Him up there
Get *something*
Be a lesbian (haha running out of ideas.. XD)
Something bad la.. 

Seven things I do when I'm away from public
Pick my nose.
Pluck 7 bulu ketiaks.
Eat fried chicken with my hands
Wear sleeveless clothing
Adjust my bra

Seven fav sentences/quotes/expressions
oh no!

Seven songs
according to
my mood

Seven things I'll make you wish you didn't do if you did
Insult me.. not in a joking way
Stealing my food
Insult my favourite actors and actresses
Insult my designs
Not waiting for me
I'm a nice girl I don't expect much. XD

Seven people to tag:

If I'm not gonna get get married then I'll be contented getting to take wedding photos.

Just saw Kevin and Niki as well as Bosco and Myolie's wedding advertisements. SO SWEET AND 

I love the two pairings. AHHH!!! Can't wait for TVB movie marathon after SPM! Watching Heart of Greed first. WHO'S WITH ME??

AHH!!! Words can't even express my feelings after watching the ads.. SO NICE!!! AHH!!!!



1. The actors and actresses.
2. The food.
3. Disneyland.
4. Shopping.


Okay.. I better not bore you anymore with my ramblings.

Anyways... I've decided to go for Architecture.

Graphic design seems a lil too.. I don't know.. There are many creative people around and all... So being a graphic designer, you gotta be SERIOUSLY CREATIVE. Which I don't I am that much.. and I have to keep coming out with really nice and attention grabbing stuff.. It's hard to please everyone and all and mom doesn't really agree with it.. so.. yeah.. no more graphic design!

However, interior design is still an option for me.. If I'm not that interested in architecture then after 
my diploma in TARC, I'll go Lim Kok Wing to pursue something else then.
Mom said if I really am interested in architecture, I'll finish my diploma here, spend a year in KL and do twinning in US! YAY! XD

Irene is interested in architecture as well but she's flying to Australia to continue her studies there. RICH KIDS...

Well, architecture is not that bad I guess.. I still get to draw, do 3D stuff, make house models, WHICH I HAVE LOVED SINCE SMALL... Mom's considering getting me a good SLR camera and a whole new high tech computer. WHEE!! I LOVE MY MOMMY!

so yeah.. I guess that's all for now..

Yours truly,

Girl with new specs. XD

Lynn skipped school today..

She woke up at 7 a.m. and did her add maths.. What a good girl.. Everything went well... She had koko krunch duo or something for breakfast, took a shower and went on studying..

Mom called her, she went to school to pick up her sister from school. She saw Yee Mei driving two friends. One of them is Felicia and I couldn't see the other. She fetched her sister home and was being so nice, she did her sister's moral project. Making a fridge out of a cardboard box.

While she was spraying the box ever so happily staining her fingers..,


The door locked. My smart sister didn't put that anti lock thingie and I left my handphone and wallet in the car. She was not panicked at first being locked outside numerous times but managed to use a hanger to unlock it. So my mom changed the lock to ensure safety since I could unlock it, a thief could. So there goes. Not a chance I could open the door.

Only choice? Climb over pointy gate to get keys from baby sitter. While being furious at my sister, I slowly climbed over the gate. Suddenly a guy on a bike came but I ignored since he didn't seem to notice. I put one leg over and realize it's really high and sharp and my legs started to turn jelly. While shaking, I tried to put another leg over. My slipper fell at the attempt and took another one off. Managed to get to the other side and was not that scared anymore. Still trembling, I tried to get down, and jumped down. Walked to baby sitter's house with a few scratches on my leg, took the keys, walked back home and saw my junior who's leaving nearby with her friends. THANK GOD SHE DIDN'T SEE MY CLIMB OVER MY GATE.

Opened the gate and went inside. WHAT AN ADVENTURE.

Had to prepare lunch after that with trembling fingers. Burned my finger at the process as a result of trembling fingers.

End of adventures of Indiana Lynn.

Kit and his sister is coming over on monday to see Don and I tricked Kit into "chia-ing" me McDonalds. XD

I shall be ordering.. Spicy McNuggets, chocolate sundae and banana pie.


Yours truly,

McD girl.

Finally.. photos of Don. XD

Don adores his orange toy. haha

Oh! He likes apples too. XD

He's cute isn't he? He's like a worm according to my mom. XD

My mom bought us a new puppy on Sunday! =) *applauds*

He's a silky terrier, black and brown now but he'll change colour as he grows..

He's 7 weeks plus at the moment..

He's a male. XD not a female. (inside joke)

He's cheeky and cute..

He's ours...

His name is Don..

Erm... I don't know how to continue... oh did I mention he's EXPENSIVE? haha.. Oh well.. I guess he's worth it?

I won't be able to upload his pictures here cause my dad took the camera to Ipoh so... I apologise.

Karyn came to my house today to look at Don. He's cute isn't he? XD.. He was really really energetic and all.. as usual.. and he slept on the sofa like a PIG. My sister and I played with his ears and laughed like no one's business but he continued sleeping. Cute. XD

I LOVE BOSCO!! AHHH!!! *faints* I can't wait to watch WOIL Modern version which might be out in December.. Perfect timing!!

SPM is in 21 days.. (Seems like a must for every 17 year old teenagers' blog so...)

Am I worried? Am I scared? I better not be.. (inside reason hahah XD)

I do wake up everyday suddenly with SPM in my head like some horrible nightmare.. UGH. *counting down the days to freedom*

Let's not talk about studying and all.. where to go.. what diploma to take aight? Let God decide. =)

Oh! High school musical 2 is on now...


Oh.. hm.. since I'm bored at the moment, I shall talk about Tina's birthday party? Aight. She threw her birthday party in Marina Bay's swimming pool area.. A barbeque party.. We did have some fun, me pushing her to the pool, the interesting burned chicken and our surprise for her. HAHA.. I got kissed on the cheek my a girl. Knew her in VBS in standard 6 so it's alright. Beats getting kissed on the lips by a girl. ><>

Okay.. Enough nonsensical update for today. Toodles.

Signing off

Thinking about the FUTURE...


It's cute innit?

I saw it in Gurney and bought it without having second thoughts. XD Lynn adores cute stuff and wants to buy polymer clay which is very expensive to make cute stuff after SPM.

XD. Took the photo while having dinner with mom and her friend with sistah. It's her birthday today.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 


She doesn't even read my blog.. SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW I HAVE A BLOG! XD

Okay.. moving on..


My goodness.. It's a really funny show.. seriously.. really funny... Did I mention funny? Yeah.. it's funny..

Am looking forward to watching the modern version of WOIL. XD. Can you imagine that? Lynn who loves Kevin Cheng and detests Ron Ng, Raymond and Bosco is now in love with Bosco? I can't believe it.. what next? Raymond?? *faints*

Lynn has to wake up from day dreaming.. seriously..

And I was joking with meee the other day about post SPM.. The conversation went like this..

" MEEE, after SPM, when I wanna go out, I just grab the car keys and say I'm going out.. then I go out d ah?"
"What? You pay for your own petrol then"
"I'll just find daddy when I need petrol lo.. if not, ask my friends to fetch XD XD XD"
"I'm not going to give you extra money"
"I'll be working by then.. XD XD XD XD"


SPM is in less than a month, and I've been getting bad dreams.. CANCEL THAT!!!


so yeah.. I have nothing to say now.. Hm.......


It was raining heavily today and after dinner, there was flood on the way back home! COOL!


*writer's block*


I promised Pat to dedicate a post on Kevin Cheng..but I need time to gather all the HOT SHOTS of him first.. so probably after SPM. XD sorry PAT!

Oh.. Keira Knightly is... tooooooooooo thin it's scary.

Oh... Lynn wants to die and exercise like mad after SPM.

Oh... Lynn wants to.. erm.. I have nothing to say!!!!!

Signing out.. The next top models.. XD

I apologise for not updating..

Had a bad week and all, with so many things happening.. which I won't be mentioning here.. but most of it are solved anyway. Many thanks to Him up there and a good friend =)

Alright.. I shall start with bad news first aight?


On the first day of Raya, my family and I went to a dog breeder's house in Lorong Kenari in Sungai Ara. The silky terrier jumping happily in the cage with the rest of the dogs caught my attention and I squealed. XD yes.. I did.. It was love at first sight. I'm an animal lover. So sue me! =) (I still eat meat anyways... unlike my friend Rosa who's really serious about it and is a vegetarian)

The dog breeder let her out and I was happy to see it walking around sniffing us and being so obedient. It bonded with deee right away... while I was busy looking at guinea pigs, cocker spaniel, poodles, golden retrievers which were really friendly and excited, a rottweiler and a few dobermanns. Saw a few persian cats as well.. Oh.. Did I mention she was blind in one eye? It makes her special anyway... =)

Played with Junior and loved her right away.. She was dirty and stinky when we took her home, so we
stopped by at a pet shop and spent RM100++ on her.. A new collar, dog food, dog shampoo, stuff for grooming,
vitamins, and a water dispenser. We gave her a bath and she was really obedient, not making any noise and was so cute.. Cutey by then had already started her hissing and was angry at us.. especially at me... Everytime I tried to talk to her, she would turn away.. Is Cutey jealous? HAHA.. Junior enjoyed being groomed the most, she would just sit down and let us comb her silky fur and all.. Just then, we got a call from aunt saying my granny had breathing difficulties or something, so we rushed to Teluk Bahang with Junior.. pity her.. so many trips in the car in just a day. But she didn't make any noise and quietly slept on my lap.. Such cute dog..

She did poop and was reallly realllyy stinky so we had to give her another shower.. at 10p.m. Imagine that!
So yeah.. dad accompanied her to sleep in the living room and he said she had a nightmare.. haha waking up
suddenly and all.. The next day, we played with her and all and she had bad breath.. so my mom decided to bring her to the vet for a check up or something.. And I was in my room studying and all.. When they came back, guess what my mom said..

"Junior is sick. She has a hole in her heart.. The vet said she has irregular breathing and all.. and she might be completely blind etc etc etc"

I got so speechless and started to tear up and ran up to my room, switched off my fan and carried Junior. Then my mom decided to return Junior back to her owner before we get to close and it would be harded for us to return her. My sister and I cried like no one's business.. I was even short of breath from so much crying. We persuaded meee not to return her but she said it'll be difficult to take care of her.. So since Junior liked being groomed so much, I groomed her and took pictures of her.. all while crying non stop with my sister. It's hard to think about her being back in the cage with all the dogs who might bully her and with her illness, it's even worse. But we got no choice. Messaged someone for comfort while crying but it didn't really help.. I kept missing Junior and all. I even cried while returning her to the owner when my mom and sister was holding back their tears..

We went to Giant with poofy eyes and weird stares from people. I almost teared up in Giant as well.. ahh.. It was a sad sad day.. Oh well..

Okay enough sob stories.. Mom promised to get us another silky terrier and name him POOPY (my idea) Yes.. poopy.. cute name innit? I'm looking forward in getting another dog but no dog can replace junior of course.. And Cutey has been really really "manja" these days.. Mom says she's worried we might bring another dog back? HAHAHA.. She was curious about Junior though.. Spying on us when we played with Junior.. haha

To end this post, I shall post up photos of her..

Signing out..

Lynn who sewed an XD on her big toe. =)

Lynn likes to modify stuff.. Last year, she bought a plain skirt which her father approved of since it wasn't short.. and she decided to do something to it...
First, she bought fabric paint, then dug around for some thread and VOILA!

Comments are welcome.. I'd love to know what people think about it.. I might just buy more blank clothings are modify them.. Wouldn't mind doing it for a friend as well.. HEHE. XD
Afterall, I'm just a kind hearted girl aren't I?

XD okay..

Moving on...


yesh, and Lynn need a rest for 2 days as her biological clock is not realling working properly, sleeping at 4 a.m. waking up at 6, then sleep at 3, wake up at 6.. etc.. You get what I mean..
Wasn't really prepared for trials.. but I surrended it to God.. I complained less about my papers after them nowadays.. and I'm beginning to like Physics and Add Maths.. So I just hope and have faith that I won't be failing any subjects.. =)

One more month and 8 days to SPM.. Time goes by pretty fast huh? I remember starting school on.. Some datelah! thinking SPM is still a weee bit far.. and look where we are now..

ONE MONTH AND 8 DAYS.. Let's just hope everyone stays sane for the time being. No more jumping down from buildings or strangling themselves to death after SPM!

And to think of it.. School's gonna be over realll soon.. And before we know it, we'll be missing our friends who are in..

a) NS
b) Singapore (Denise the BAK BAK WONG got ASEAN Scholarship.. CONGRATS!)
c) Australia (Happygail! XD Sorry I bullied you back in primary alright? Don't have to go round telling everyone.. sheesh.. XD.. It's our memory being friends since primary one though.. heh)
d) somewhere far away.. and many more other places..

So yeah.. you get what I mean..

Our lives have been pretty much a routine ever since standard 1. Going to school.. Coming back..
Eat, Shit, Sleep, and the list goes on. Imagine what would it be like.. being all independent doing constant studying.. project papers.. etc etc..

And soon.. everyone's gonna end up being Career woman, or happily married to a millionaire. (Yes Abby, I know you've been dreaming about it..)

What's Lynn gonna be? Let's hope she'll figure it out soon enough eh?

Alright.. It's getting pretty boring.. MOVING ON!!

All the girls seem to be pretty much absorbed into romantic movies nowadays eh? One of them is me. Yesh. I am a hopeless romantic girl.. Day dreaming.. thinking of living how the way the movies and dramas she watches. Can't help it.. When you're single and lonely, that's what you pretty much do to get rid of the loneliness.. for a minute or 
so after realizing it's not gonna happen to us.. XD

Ames, Jas and I.. The ones I know who've been day dreaming about the hunky guys with fat wallets.. the list goes on.. HOW ROMANTIC!!!

Was rambling about how Yeng and Leng Chai and romantic SAM KOR was in Triumph in the Skies and Under The Canopy of Love.. yes.. TVB HONG KONG DRAMAS.. to Tina, Hui Kim and Yee Mei today and she said Lynn might just be getting a boyfriend like that in a few years..

HAR HAR.. Lynn's unwanted.. That's why she watches movies, dramas etc to have a fantasy of her own. XD

KEVIN CHENG KA WING.... *daydreams*

(Just look at his triceps, biceps, quadceps, whatever ceps!!!)

There are more of his hunky pictures.. but.. I wouldn't want you TALKING BAD ABOUT HIM! XD

He's the most handsome guy in TVB alright.. WAY WAY better than Lam Fung, Ron Ng, Bosco..

And he speaks better English than all of them of the above. XD (He's AMERICAN BORN CHINESE)

ps. Lynn thinks guys who are aging look way better. XD

hehe.. You have a problem with that? XD

so yeah.. what else to blog about eh? Plenty.. I'll save them for the next post..

Signing out...

Girl who likes taking funny photos.. XD

Read THE STAR newspaper today.. Saw an article about a form 4 girl ranting about her schoolmates exchanging notes during an exam. Apparently the girls whom she complained about told their parents who later told the authorities to take an action against her. I can't comment much about this much except for having a thought
in my head and not saying about it in here.. So yeah.. My point is..

Do BEWARE of what you're posting in your blog.. It might offend others.. so.. HM.. nothing much else.. Shall be updating again after I...

a) do something for Yee Mei
b) Watch Triumph In the Skies which I will be blogging about later..
c) erm... something which I don't even know..

Signing out..

Owner of this sexy cat sunbathing. XD

I love my cat. XD