Now I'm worried I might have it.

How fast can you say....



Don't mind my cacat face.

And I finally satisfied my itch to take photos.


and by the way,
I'm sick.

You know your friends really love you when...

the whole class pays you a visit after a surgery in the hospital. =)

And they make noise,
do nonsense,
eat your food,
talk to you,
joke and make you laugh when you're not supposed to cause it'll hurt.
take photos,
bluetooth each other the photo of your x-ray and tumour,
and many other nonsense.

That was what us, from CS2A 093 did when Xin Ee, one of coursemates were admitted in Adventist with a 19cm tumour in her stomach.
Thank God it wasn't cancerous but that girl didn't know she was carrying a tumour that big and heavy in her for a month thinking she was getting fat. =O

Now I wish I had that, then I would be able to tell people I'm not fat, and that I just have a tumour inside. hahahaha

So yeah, the operation went smoothly and she is all well and in recovery for 2 weeks.
Which means no molest from Xin Ee for two weeks. =(

But we do wish her a speedy recovery and that may God bless her and to see her soon enough back in class! =) =)

My first 3D assignment.
To make a vessel out of wires.

My end product?

I know.
One week was all we got. =s

And I end up with ugly dress/chess piece.

The colour's actually nicer, with a hint of black to make it look like bronze and antique.
Didn't have my DSLR with me.
So I made use of Sean's T-shirt and a lousy camera. =s

Okay.. not really... but it was the last dinner for the 5 of us before
Denise leaves for Canada on Friday,
Karyn for Nilai,
Aimy and Jas for UK.
I'm still stuck here.
How nice. NOT.

Then it was Shenanigans to continue with the lil girl chats.

Denise and her Tropical Sunset.

Karyn and her Pretty in Pink.

Aimy with her Baileys and milk.

Jasryn and her COUGH Virgin's Kiss COUGH.

And me with my CUTE LIL GREEN DRINK cause I love green. =D

Cute drinks, no?

It's funny how it's already almost nearing the end of August and we take things for granted,
saying we'll meet each other sometime soon, but sometimes never do just cause we're so busy with our new lives, new friends that sometimes we just forget to make time for things that matters most to us and the friends that we truly treasure.

Then suddenly when one of our friends are leaving, we realize we haven't been spending enough time together, and it's already too late when we want to and end up regretting.

We can't help but accept the fact that our friends are leaving, and we might even lose contact with some of them.

But I do know one thing's for sure,
they'll always be my friends till the end =)
No matter what.

I gave up on that tiny lil hope that I held on to.
and I shall be moving on.


Wish me luck!

On a side note,

And Lynn shall be random in this post. =)

My first monoprint. WHEE

Kenn's old Merz with a sun roof =D

And I miss Elaine and Mukhtar. XD

Had an online cat gathering last night on Skype. haha
With my Cutie, Andy's Simba and Jade's Nancy.
and talked shit on Skype with Elaine.

Without the internet, will you even get to do something like this?


I love Fro.

And by the way,
the lame post below?
It was Andy's work.

don't you think this university is the coolest ever?!
iWish my momma would send me there :(
i ENVY everyone studying there :(
iWish i was a student there. :(


And boy do I feel like an artist already. =p

Anyways, we just got our results the week my new semester started..

Here's my breakdown...

Drawing - B+
2 Dimensional & colour studies - B-
Basic photography - A
Computer studies - B+

CGPA - 3.2

I'm.. pretty satisfied..
Unlike SOMEONE in Lim Kok with 3.88. =O!!

This time, we had another mini reunion as Cheryl and TJ are back from KL.

Went for dinner at "PULAU KOPI",

And then proceeded to "TILAM".

It's always nice to meet up with the old buddies.






Sorry, I get excited easily over small lil stuff. XD

All I can say is...





So the EAA Prom 2009 was held last.. Friday in G Hotel.
The theme was Midsummer's Night Dream.. which was supposed to be held outdoor in G Hotel's pool area.
Sadly, it rained, so we had to change the venue to one of the ballrooms.
Got delayed by a good hour. =s
Prom was.. pretty boring.. was pretty much looking forward to free dance but there was none. =(
Food was decent...
And the most important thing was everyone looked great! =)
(except for me looking like a LALA prostitute =s)

So shall I let the photos do the talking? =)

With the seniors in the Fashion Department.

Our very own Micheal Jackson aka Joshua who was a Prom King nominee.
and man, this guy can really dance...

What's a prom without the usual camwhoring in the toilet?

And not forgetting the must have group photos with the coursemates =)

Then you have a group photo with the lecturer.
Who was certainly dressed to kill that night. XD

Presenting tortoise who calls me dugong. =.=
Suddenly we're not humans anymore.
Animals. =.=

And the 3 guys who never fail to give me a hard time in college with all that bullying. =(

Mr. Lala whose hair is is hard not to spot.

The guy with the flower, our class' Prom King nominee. XD

And our very own Kingky Koko who's the "trendsetter".

Pimp daddy wannabe.

With the Prom King. =p

With Xin Ee and Charmaine, who was our class' Prom Queen nominee. =)And last but not least,

So yeah,
prom was pretty alright.
Got home by 1 a.m.
=o =o!!!
BIG shocker.