I played Deal or no deal online game and I won $1000,000.


I'm a sucker for songs with chipmunks singing.


I'm bored and lonely.. and here's what I did.

Lynn - Don licks everytime you make kissing sounds. AHAH says:
I'm pregnant
Aimy Lee says:

Lynn - I'm pregnant. says:
Aimy Lee says:

Lynn - I'm pregnant. says:
*laughs like mad*

Aimy Lee says:

Lynn - I'm pregnant. says:

Aimy Lee says:
do me la

By the way, I meant.. I am pregnant in the Harvest Moon game I'm playing.

and becky, I have 229852 G

4 rings,
5 power berries,
8 chickens,
4 cows,
3 sheep,
1 cheesemaker,
1 yarnmaker,
1 mayomaker,
59 recipes,

and there's more to come.


Monday 12/24/2007

Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]. Enfolded in love, let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head, [even] Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
—Ephesians 4:15

Growing up spiritually is not always easy. It might be said that we believers have to endure many "growing pains." Due to the challenging times, often we are tempted to give up. We all need to realize the progress we have made.

Perhaps you have been struggling with yourself. You know that you need to change. You desire to be like Jesus. And yet you feel that you are making no progress. The first thing you must realize is that you are making progress. Little by little, you are changing.

Take some time and think about where you were when you first accepted Christ into your heart. Listen to the Holy Spirit instead of listening to the devil! The way to listen to the Holy Spirit is by following your heart not your head or your feelings. Learn to live beyond your feelings.

Don't compare yourself with other people. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Be patient with yourself. Keep pressing on and believe that you are changing every day.

Don't give up! You are growing up!

Say This:

"Christ is my life. I grow up into Him Who is the Head. Through Him I have joy unspeakable and full of glory!" (1 Peter 1:8 KJV.)

I find this very true. Growing up as a teenager, we find ourselves facing many challenges.

This Daily Word from Joyce Meyer Ministries's site is  really helpful and it really wakes one up.


I'm bored.


I have writer's block.


I need credit.


I need to go shopping.


I need money to go get my baby (car) sprayed.


I need a new handphone. It's dying soon.

I need a boyfriend.

^___________________________^ (extra long for this one)

I need a DSLR.


I need to exercise.


I need people to ask me to go out.


I need WOIL II and TSD.


That's it for today.

Stay tuned for the next ramblings of the really bored girl. =)



*jumps around and squeals*

31st of December!


Signing off,

Girl in love with Bosco

Lynn bought a gingerbread man from Coldstorage..

She added some chocolate on it..

She ate his legs...

She ate his hands...

She ate his head..

She finished the rest of the gingerbread man...

It was delicious. =)

Signing off,

China telephone operator. *laughs*

This is what one does when one gets too bored. XD

Something like Jas's post.. XD

No more waking up at 6 a.m. (HSM hahaha)

No more white school shoes.

No more blue pinafore which we have to buckle up everytime when the prefects bug us>

No more seeing friends 5 days a week.

No more making nonsensical jokes in tuition and laughing instead of learning.

No more "teacherrrr... one more mark pleaseee.... this one correct ma.. can maa... check revision book la"

No more "what time is it now?" (HSM again) "5 more minutes to recess la"

No more "Teacher, may I please go to the toilet?" but eventually running to the next class to talk to friends.

No more HONEY


I can't think of anymore at the moment..

But on the 15th of December 2007 at 12 something a.m., Denise sent me an MSN message saying bye.

Denise the bak bak wong is going to leave us and go to Singapore.

I cried the moment she said bye. It's hard saying bye to friends you have since like what? Primary? You know what happened and all and you can just sit down and talk about the silly stuff we all did when we were young etc etc etc.


haha.. Piak head.

Yeah.. Making friends was much easier back then when we were small, saying hie and asking them to follow you to the toilet and stuff like that... Suddenly not "friend-ing" each other anymore and doing that "I dun fwen u" sign and being friends again the next day forgetting what happened yesterday.

Well I was pretty much a big bully back then and people hated me. XD. Ask Abby, she complains to other people all the time. Maybe people still do but I can definitely say I have a few great friends.

It's sad that all of us are no longer going to the same school anymore and some are even leaving Malaysia.
Even if we are in the same college, we won't be in the same classes.

New circle of friends. Kinda hard to imagine that really. Making friends with new people and knowing NUTS about them.. Oh well.. We do have to do that right?

In conclusion, we're growing up.

Full of crap and boring I know.. 

Too bad.

Shucks... Photos and memories are all I've got of my friends now that they're all scattered everywhere. Like chickens in my harvest moon game HAHAH

I married the doctor. XD


The title says it all..

Short update on my cute doggie. XD

I want another dog and a cute kitten!!! Do get me one if you have loads of cash and don't know what to do with it. =)

I want a hamster too..The roboisky or something.. RM13 each. Really cute and tiny.. Wanted to get two but I have a cat.. so..

Don taking a bath

Same thing here

Don asleep.

Don waking up.

Don falling asleep again.

The heartbroken look.

The hopeful look.

Thinking of me look.

Thinking of me again look.

Being a poser look.

Don's smiley face =).

End of post.

Signing off,

CUTE OWNER OF CUTE DOG (copied from Ames. XD)

Alright alright. I admit, it's been.. SO LONG since I've updated.

SPM WAS KEEPING ME BUSY. Even Karyn said I was really concentrating on studies or something during those final weeks by not going online etc.

SPM was.. ALRIGHT =) I'm just hoping that God will bless me with results good enough to please my parents and not dissapointing and also good enough to get a scholarship or something.

About updating right after SPM.. I admit, I was Lazy.. XD..

Guess what happened right after SPM? I got into an accident. Yeah.. Long story... But I wasn't soooo excited SPM is over till I hit a car. It's the car parked at the side of school gate that blocked my view of that BLACK MYVI.

*Everyone got a shock*
*Lynn got a shock*
*Lynn started shaking like a jelly afraid of what mom would say*
*settles stuff with the guy*

I HAD TO PAY RM 200 to that guy. And the damage wasn't even that terrible

Moving on....

I went out late at night with a friend to New World. Had Honey Lemon drink or something like that. Old town's food is not as good as before. Anyways.. I AM A BIG GIRL NOW =) Going out at 10 p.m. and back at 11.00 p.m.

Went out again with Jas, Karyn, Ames, Denise and Mei Mei.. but sadly Karyn and I wasn't able to watch Enchanted with the gang. I wasn't really keen on watching Enchanted anyways..

Denise and I got Karyn to do this.. XD

Went out again.. (COME ON, FREEDOM?)

With SPIDEX Patrol members.. hahah and a few "extra's" like.. Grass and his butterfly/flower/bird. I hope the GIRL understands XD

then.. Went out AGAIN!

With Denise, Ames, Jas and Karyn for Denise's farewell.. We ate at CHILI'S.. YUM! We're certainly gonna miss that BAK BAK WONG. MY TVB PARTNER =(.. Do keep in touch if you're reading this.. *hugs bak bak wong*

We camwhored in the toilet! XD

And did you notice, I wore the same outfit? Know why? I HAD NO CLOTHESSS... I NEED NEW CLOTHESSSSSS.. YES.... NEWWW CLOTHEESSSS

then.... Went out AGAIN!!!

Ate Tom Yam steamboat with Tina, Honey, Yee Mei and Emalyn.. We had a great time. XD

and.. Jas, Irene and Becky's birthday party.. I got home at 12 a.m. in the morning and got scolded.. I guess it was a weee bit too late. XD

the rest of the days? I stayed at home.. Doing house chores.. playing harvest moon this 


downloaded for me. XD.. I did something pretty bad till he walked out of my house. HAHAHA.. It was pretty... FUNNY?

I like rubbing Quine's head. It's pretty weird. Hahah.. Anyhow, *claps* for her courage and the impulsive and nutcase decision to SHAVE HER HEAD. She looked nice in her previous hairstyle. YOU HEAR THAT QUINE? XD

Oh.. I got a hairdo.. hehe.. Laugh all you want.. I had some from my mom and sister..

Do excuse me for being a poser. XD

 hahahahahha I can's stand looking at this one.

Lala-ness side of lynn. XD
I'm lazy to rotate all those photos. Kindly tilt your head to the left if you wanna look at Lynn. HAHA

Last but not least... PHOTOS.. XD

Hm.. Blogspot having some error.. Will update photos next time.

I signed up for A-levels Science in Disted but after much consideration and "consultation" from parents and a very nice lecturer in Disted, I decided to change it to either A-levels in Arts or Diploma in Business Studies.

I just wish I was back in those schooling days when I can enjoy holiday knowing that I'll definitely be going back to MGS and meeting my friends. It kinda sucks that we all have to get separated.. Which is why I prefer being in school sometimes.. Oh well, part of growing up..

Gah.. nothing else to say.. And I noticed my blog is not as "berisi" as Jasryn's and Abby's etc.. XD

Signing off,

 One eyed monster. Tee hee hee.

AIYA! Why must I visit ABZ's blog?


Seven things to be done before my death
Go to Hong Kong
Get Married
At least help change a few people's lives
Play with snow
Get someone who will love me? Is it even possible??
Be a famous designer

Seven things I will not do even if it kills me
More piercings
Be a doctor
Kill somebody
Betray Him up there
Get *something*
Be a lesbian (haha running out of ideas.. XD)
Something bad la.. 

Seven things I do when I'm away from public
Pick my nose.
Pluck 7 bulu ketiaks.
Eat fried chicken with my hands
Wear sleeveless clothing
Adjust my bra

Seven fav sentences/quotes/expressions
oh no!

Seven songs
according to
my mood

Seven things I'll make you wish you didn't do if you did
Insult me.. not in a joking way
Stealing my food
Insult my favourite actors and actresses
Insult my designs
Not waiting for me
I'm a nice girl I don't expect much. XD

Seven people to tag:

If I'm not gonna get get married then I'll be contented getting to take wedding photos.

Just saw Kevin and Niki as well as Bosco and Myolie's wedding advertisements. SO SWEET AND 

I love the two pairings. AHHH!!! Can't wait for TVB movie marathon after SPM! Watching Heart of Greed first. WHO'S WITH ME??

AHH!!! Words can't even express my feelings after watching the ads.. SO NICE!!! AHH!!!!



1. The actors and actresses.
2. The food.
3. Disneyland.
4. Shopping.


Okay.. I better not bore you anymore with my ramblings.

Anyways... I've decided to go for Architecture.

Graphic design seems a lil too.. I don't know.. There are many creative people around and all... So being a graphic designer, you gotta be SERIOUSLY CREATIVE. Which I don't I am that much.. and I have to keep coming out with really nice and attention grabbing stuff.. It's hard to please everyone and all and mom doesn't really agree with it.. so.. yeah.. no more graphic design!

However, interior design is still an option for me.. If I'm not that interested in architecture then after 
my diploma in TARC, I'll go Lim Kok Wing to pursue something else then.
Mom said if I really am interested in architecture, I'll finish my diploma here, spend a year in KL and do twinning in US! YAY! XD

Irene is interested in architecture as well but she's flying to Australia to continue her studies there. RICH KIDS...

Well, architecture is not that bad I guess.. I still get to draw, do 3D stuff, make house models, WHICH I HAVE LOVED SINCE SMALL... Mom's considering getting me a good SLR camera and a whole new high tech computer. WHEE!! I LOVE MY MOMMY!

so yeah.. I guess that's all for now..

Yours truly,

Girl with new specs. XD

Lynn skipped school today..

She woke up at 7 a.m. and did her add maths.. What a good girl.. Everything went well... She had koko krunch duo or something for breakfast, took a shower and went on studying..

Mom called her, she went to school to pick up her sister from school. She saw Yee Mei driving two friends. One of them is Felicia and I couldn't see the other. She fetched her sister home and was being so nice, she did her sister's moral project. Making a fridge out of a cardboard box.

While she was spraying the box ever so happily staining her fingers..,


The door locked. My smart sister didn't put that anti lock thingie and I left my handphone and wallet in the car. She was not panicked at first being locked outside numerous times but managed to use a hanger to unlock it. So my mom changed the lock to ensure safety since I could unlock it, a thief could. So there goes. Not a chance I could open the door.

Only choice? Climb over pointy gate to get keys from baby sitter. While being furious at my sister, I slowly climbed over the gate. Suddenly a guy on a bike came but I ignored since he didn't seem to notice. I put one leg over and realize it's really high and sharp and my legs started to turn jelly. While shaking, I tried to put another leg over. My slipper fell at the attempt and took another one off. Managed to get to the other side and was not that scared anymore. Still trembling, I tried to get down, and jumped down. Walked to baby sitter's house with a few scratches on my leg, took the keys, walked back home and saw my junior who's leaving nearby with her friends. THANK GOD SHE DIDN'T SEE MY CLIMB OVER MY GATE.

Opened the gate and went inside. WHAT AN ADVENTURE.

Had to prepare lunch after that with trembling fingers. Burned my finger at the process as a result of trembling fingers.

End of adventures of Indiana Lynn.

Kit and his sister is coming over on monday to see Don and I tricked Kit into "chia-ing" me McDonalds. XD

I shall be ordering.. Spicy McNuggets, chocolate sundae and banana pie.


Yours truly,

McD girl.

Finally.. photos of Don. XD

Don adores his orange toy. haha

Oh! He likes apples too. XD

He's cute isn't he? He's like a worm according to my mom. XD