You know.. I just realized, every single time I go online.. the first thing I'll do is sign in MSN.. wait.. it's auto sign in..

2. I'll go Friendster (for God knows what reason.. I'm just bored)

3. Winglin fanfic to check on my Kevin and Niki fanfictions..

4. to check on my HONG KONG LATEST NEWS. XD XD XD

5. Kevin-niki site for KN fans.. XD

6. Blogs..

7. Occasional random sites.

8. Deviantart

9. Check my email (I forgot about this.. It's supposed to be right after MSN)

10.. AH! I'm lazy.. XD and I just though of new stuff to blab about.. next post then.. XD

Oh by the way, you know all those photos with people's faces in it? I think someone is trying to do a Malaysian flag with it.. so yeah.. if you're interested, click on the advert on my blog. XD should be interesting.. I might just do it. WHO'S WITH ME? XD

Signing out,

Daughter of Julie Neoh. XD

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