It's the specifications of telephoto zoom lens I just got.
Told you, I would be getting something before my paycheque even arrives.
I still owe my mom money.
Going to buy tripod stand tomorrow.
Anyways, it was all so... sudden.
Mom picked me up from work,
her friend called telling her they have the lens at a cheap price,
mom dropped me at the shop,
messed with it a little,
took it home.
and VOILA! It's officially mine.
Be jealous Edmund, be really jealous.
*pat pat*
I'll buy you McD's sundae to make you and your gums feel a bit better while I get all high and happy with my boyfriend's new erm.. companion.
Okay I'm speaking gibberish.
You gotta excuse the excitement.
I'll buy you McD's sundae to make you and your gums feel a bit better while I get all high and happy with my boyfriend's new erm.. companion.
Okay I'm speaking gibberish.
You gotta excuse the excitement.