Now, thanks to 3 wonderful friends of mine, I will now have a fear of even driving up to Tg Bungah or Ferringhi or Teluk Bahang.



We went to Blue Reef for dinner.

The fishes they serve must be very fresh since they took pretty long to reach our tables considering they would have to catch it from the sea for every order placed.

The frustrated Pwincess Fwo Fwo waiting for her "Fwish Burwgrew".

Note the "I'M HUNGWEEEE"

So while waiting, we all entertained ourselves by drawing things a 3 year old would.

The creative spark in all of us with just a simple piece of paper and coloured pencils.

But overall it was good. =)

Enjoyed the  "siakap". =p

Yummy Yummy Happy Tummy

By the way, 

to our beloved waitress from Blue Reef who wasn't able to serve us that night,

we left a little something for you. =p

Then off we went to Maddy's house.

Got bullied.

Messed around in Maddy's house.

Then Abby came and off we went again to Batu Feringghi.




Walk walk play play laugh laugh see see buy buy talk talk

iHart all my friends!

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