

Tamron 90mm Macro.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 08, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Loh Liangwu said...

    HEY!! I want that too...haha.. ;)

  1. ... on September 8, 2009 at 11:23 PM  
  2. Ee Lynn said...

    Tracy told me you already have a macro lens??

    Your new touy. Pew Pew? =p haha

  3. ... on September 8, 2009 at 11:25 PM  
  4. Loh Liangwu said...

    Har? Tracy dunno anything wan la hahaha..

    I got no macro, oni ziumzium. Eh that one 1.6k friend just bought haha.. pew pew! :P

  5. ... on September 8, 2009 at 11:57 PM  
  6. Ee Lynn said...

    Hahaha!! She said macro.. =p

    coughbimbocough =p SHHH.. Don't tell her.. hahahah!!!

    How long is your ziumzium? 1.6K only?!?!

    My Canon ziumzium 55-250 RM800 plus only. pew pew!

  7. ... on September 8, 2009 at 11:59 PM  
  8. Loh Liangwu said...

    Haha I wanted to put bimbo there just now! Well, *cough* everyone knows that anyway :P

    My ziumzium 70-300 RM1450 only secondhand..Tracy even followed me to go "dealing"...Hahaha

    That macro lens 1.6k onii..can pew pew very sharp worr! You planning to buy? Heheh

  9. ... on September 9, 2009 at 12:19 AM  
  10. Ee Lynn said...

    Hahaha dealing!!

    Nikon lenses are much more expensive larh.

    Of course I want larh! I read a photo mag comparing it with a few macro and this lens is the best and has the most value for money.


  11. ... on September 9, 2009 at 12:20 AM  
  12. Loh Liangwu said...

    Hahah yup nikon lenses are much more expensive. My D60 got no af motor summore. Really PEW myself in the head getting that camera. SIGH.

    You intend to do macro? Haha soon la can plan to rob bill gates. Wheee! My next one will be wide angle lenses. Really want one larrr

    Oh Tracy told me your flash is a sigma? I got a nissin today Hahaha.. (not the noodles) heheh
    So how did you find it? Flashy enough? :D

  13. ... on September 9, 2009 at 12:35 AM  
  14. Ee Lynn said...

    HAHAHA!! seriously, we cannot listen to tracy anymore when it comes to this camera stuff.

    Mine's Cybertik. RM400 plus.. quite happy with it la =) Works alright. It spoilt a few months back. But they replaced me with a new one.. hahah..

    I WANT A WIDE ANGLE TOO!!! my gosh.. When it comes to photography, we can NEVER stop wanting more. =p

    I am planning on changing body now actually.. you?

  15. ... on September 9, 2009 at 12:52 AM  
  16. Loh Liangwu said...

    Hahaha Sighhh! Bimbo-ness makes the world go round. LOL

    I hope my flash don't spoil when I'm in uk. Wouldnt wanna ship it back, gonna be so expensive. D:

    I wanna change body too!! But my dad says that any new camera stuff is all my own money d..he is not gonna give anymore sponsorship, everrr... but me being in uk, with a debit card, Hahahaha :P :P

    Oh the new eos 7d come out d! which one you going for? ^^

  17. ... on September 9, 2009 at 1:15 AM  
  18. Ee Lynn said...

    But you're in love with one =p So.. too bad? =p hahaha

    Hahahahaha I knowww Tracy told me about the story of how you got your D60 =P And all my camera stuff is with my own hard earned money kay. I worked part time for 6 months. EVERY single time i got my paycheque, it's straight to the camera shop. And I'm not even joking. hahah

    7D too Exxy larh.. and not full frame.. currently looking at 40D or 50D. and..with my own money =( =(

  19. ... on September 9, 2009 at 1:18 AM  
  20. Loh Liangwu said...

    Hahah good for you la.. If I am working I bet the camera shop will be my first stop on my way home too. Bad practice though.. Haha

    I too wanna find a part time job, hopefully time allows me in UK, then camera stuffs there are really cheap. Imagine minimum pay is £5/hour, and you can get a D90 body for £600. Unfairrrr :(

    The next time I upgrade will be quite a long while more. Will have to make do with the limitations no choice larr.. with only 3af points really frustrating to shoot anything :(((

    I'm skyping with Tracy now and she fell asleep in front of the comp 1 hour ago. LOLOLOL

  21. ... on September 9, 2009 at 1:37 AM  
  22. Ee Lynn said...

    hahaha!!! Usual her =p =p Bimbo AND a pig =p =p and she was supposed to be studying eh? haha

    eh i've heard D90 isn't as good as said la. Get D300 or D700 la! Cause the focus for D90 is worse than Canon's lower end DSLRs. You got read up and see.

    I wanna go Japan. It would be like a photographer's heaven there. hahah

  23. ... on September 9, 2009 at 1:40 AM  
  24. Loh Liangwu said...

    Really?? D90 alot of good reviews worr... from alot of forums ppl recommend D90. Its using the same sensor as a D300 anyway. If I'm gonna upgrade D300s would be nice! hahaha RM5.6k *pengsan*

    D700 is full frame, have to change all the lenses oso...can die wan lehhh, might as well change to d3x hahaha

    Japan now the currency going up too. Sighhh.. I wanna be adopted by Bill Gates. I'll promise to be a good buoy :)

  25. ... on September 9, 2009 at 2:01 AM  
  26. Ee Lynn said...

    Not too sure la.. I am a Canon kaki =p =p... (cause Nikon so exxy =( =( )

    I know this guy, a photographer for Atmosphere 360, you can google it if you want. He owns 3 D3X. =O Drool all you want man. His lenses and all... can die.. hahah

    I wanna be adopted by Bill Gates too! I'll be a good gurl. =)

  27. ... on September 9, 2009 at 2:04 AM  
  28. Loh Liangwu said...

    Wow...very interesting concept! I've seen it before, 360views, weird in a way..haha

    But as you can see, WE HAVE NO MONEY!!! LOL!

    People can dream...Hahaha

  29. ... on September 9, 2009 at 2:11 AM  
  30. Tracy said...


  31. ... on September 10, 2009 at 1:35 AM  
  32. Ee Lynn said...



  33. ... on September 10, 2009 at 3:23 AM