Cause my printmaking flower rocks.
Cause my potrait print making rocks.
Cause my lino print rocks.
Cause my dog rocks.

Cause being on the wall does NOT rock.
Cause booze rocks?
Cause we have a gaytard in a class who thinks he rocks.
Cause Kenneth thinks disturbing me with Styrofoam pieces rocks.
Cause my back mirror rocks.
Cause disturbing my friends when they camwhore rocks.
Cause 600cc rocks.
Cause photoshooting rocks.
Cause camwhoring while driving rocks.
Cause my milo tin rocks.
Cause my sunnies and fedora rocks.
Cause we rock.
Cause I rock.
Cause my sunnies rock.
Cause my fedora rocks.

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 24, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.