Because I'm hopeless romantic.


It puts a smile on my face.

Time to rethink, re-evaluate stuff and start fresh.


I'm all good!

Have you ever felt that when you're trying to fix something, it only gets worse?

Then what is the point of putting a little effort in to try to fix it?

All that for nothing.

a blind man can do photography,

Can a deaf man do music?

There's always a Yes to everything.

Never say no or never say can't.

Because people can and they have done it.

Because I think daisies are really pretty.
Even prettier than roses.

Btw, that's NOT a photo of a daisy.

While I'm sitting here, trying to revise for a short test for Building Material tomorrow morning,

I wonder..

How does money affect people?

How can money, a lifeless object itself; manage to manipulate people.
How they behave, how they think and how they respond.

It's almost impossible to list out all the things people would do earn money.
Some earn it by hard work,
some earn it by luck,
and worse, some earn it by the worst ways possible. Thefts, scams, robbery and so so so many more.

Yet, it may not bring joy, love, trust, et cetera.

Almost everything has a price tag in this world we live in now.
Can we really buy love and happiness in this world now?
Does money, instead of love make the world go round now?

Is money really that important?

Forgive me.
I have no idea what I'm babbling about right now.
It just frustrates me how money can be the root of all problems sometimes.



Videos or photos?

When you have cold hard truth thrown at your face,
what do you do?

Do you take it in and be sad and complain about it? Do you take it in as a constructive criticism and work better?

I guess I lost control on how I should take it in this time.
I have my really really good friend to thank for getting me right back on track when I was just about to give up.


That's what friends are for.

Sweet sweet victory ;)


Guess there's a first time for everything. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Sitting on the floor of the balcony, with the chair as a makeshift table,
trying to get a mere internet connection with the Wiggy that my friend had so kindly borrowed me,
I sit here thinking.

How the society judges a person.
How the society would think they know a person by just how they look, talk or dress.

Never judge a book by its cover.
A well known saying,
but barely anyone lives by it.

First impressions are always important.
But not as important as knowing the true person inside out by getting to know them better.

Sometimes people don't reveal their true self except to the people most dear to them and people whom they trust most.
Sometimes people keep things inside and not tell anyone about it for fear of being judged.
Sometimes people are just wary of how they behave around people to make themselves feel save.
Sometimes people behave the exact opposite way of whom they are as a mask to their true self.

There are so many explanations to one's behaviour and psychologists go through their lives figuring it all out.
But I guess sometimes humans are just hard to explain.

After all, we are complex beings.

Stop thinking you know it all.
You don't.

It's funny how much the a four letter word can mean.

How vague people can be when they ask, "How's life?"

How people would think they know about life.

How people would revolve their lives around something unimportant

How people would just end their precious lives over something.

How people take life so lightly.

But who am I to judge?
I have so much more discover about life.
After all, I'm only 20.
Life awaits.

So I blew up at a friend today.

I blame PMS.

I got angry for no reason yesterday and cried to myself for a good half an hour.

I blame PMS.

Sometimes things don't seem like what they are.

Sometimes things don't go the way we want them to.

Sometimes things don't revolve around a certain thing only.

Sometimes things don't end up the way we think they would.

How it affects us,
depends on us, how we react towards it and what do we do about it.

So after almost a year of foundation in Equator Academy of Fine Arts,
doing things like,

  • Life drawings
  • Paintings
  • Sketching
  • 3D Sculptures
  • Introduction to Graphic Design
  • Introduction to Interior Design
  • Print making
and much more, I might have missed out a few..

The friends that I've gained...
The drama that I've seen...
The laughter and craziness that I enjoyed so much...
So much more..
How can I ever put it all in words?
What more to fit it all in a blog post?

Being in an art school was probably in my wildest dreams back then in High School,
studying design, or more specifically, INTERIOR DESIGN.

I've always loved doodling in class, craft and playing on Photoshop despite failing art in school. =s

I remember going through with my counseling teacher, Pn. Annie about the prospects, pros and cons, and what nots about being in an art school.

I remember helping the teachers designing little things like the Ranger's page.. The school orchestra concert's tickets and stuff.

I remember my parents telling me studying art will not do me any good and being against it.

I had to put away those crazy dreams of mine being in an art school and continue studying just to get better results in SPM.

Right after Form, after much quarreling and tears, my parents decided to send me to Disted College for A-Levels Arts. 11 months.

Which was a pretty much big mistake for the fact that I didn't do too well.
I did feel guilty for wasting money but I really enjoyed that year in Disted, knowing so many people, some of which are my close friends till today.

Before sitting down for my finals in A-Levels, I had a good talk with my mom, with Josh by my side about studying in an art school because I just couldn't score well for college. =s

She agreed. And managed to convince my dad as well.

I do admit, feeling like I've failed them, not doing too good in studies like they would have expected, getting a job with high prospects and all.

But I guess they did feel a little bit proud of my work sometimes.

There was once in Equator when I've felt like giving up because I felt I wasn't talented at all being around people with so much more talent in art as compared to me.

But after much thoughts and consideration, I decided to continue and not disappoint my parents anymore.

Finally, I've completed my foundation year, earning my Certificate of Art and Design, in my second year of college and moving on the 3rd year and completing in March 2012.

I definitely hope I'll be able to get through college and earn a Diploma in Interior Design and to prove to my parents that this wasn't a wrong choice.

Things in college have been up and down so far like a roller coaster ride but I'm definitely enjoying it to the fullest with all the wonderful people I've met and I hope it will stay that way, if not, better until we graduate in March 2012.


So I end this long long longgggggg post of mine with more photos of the graduation.
;) Enjoy!

And sorry for the long rambling! XD

So it was Kelvin's birthday today and we decided to cook him up a "feast" his birthday.
Leonard and I ended up shopping in Tesco and cooking for almost the whole day.

2 people, shopping in Tesco with no shopping list, running around the same aisle a couple of times,
you can imagine how stupid we were.
Not to forget, the little "attempt" to steal some curry leaves.

Then we rushed back to cook in Reuben's house.
I must say, we're quite contented already with the effort we put in. XD

DEBONED Belacan Fried Chicken
Sweet and Sour Fish
Stir fry Kailan
Curry Chicken
Pork in Soya Sauce

It was good effort, Leonard.
Let's just hope everyone doesn't wake up with food poisoning. XD

Hope you had a blast on your birthday Kelvin! =)

No more bugging me to cook for you anymore aight? XD

I absof*ckinglutely hate


Dig this song people. It's so cute we should produce something like it and make pictures fly like the kindle commercials!

To the new additional author of this blog,
To the friend new friend I made on 01/01/01 (who saw the drunk me do nonsense)
To the good friend who put up with my shit sometimes,
To the friend whose shit I have to put up with sometimes,

The first photo we took together!
I think.


Oh hello there. =)

Sad to say, I've abandoned this blog for a good whole year, being occupied with so many things in life, its ups and downs and Twitter made me lose "touch" to blog.

I wanted to start Tumblr-ing but I realized this blog is filled with so many memories of mine and such that I decided to just continue blogspot.

Anyways, I was bored the other day and decided to revive this blog, hence the change in name and URL.
Was about to post up till I realized I got nothing much to say so I delayed it.
Little did I know, SOMEONE, another author of this blog already had a little opening ceremony, leaving his mark here on my blog.

So... to cut the crap,



Relink me!

i'm back!

*ngek ngek ngek*