While I'm sitting here, trying to revise for a short test for Building Material tomorrow morning,

I wonder..

How does money affect people?

How can money, a lifeless object itself; manage to manipulate people.
How they behave, how they think and how they respond.

It's almost impossible to list out all the things people would do earn money.
Some earn it by hard work,
some earn it by luck,
and worse, some earn it by the worst ways possible. Thefts, scams, robbery and so so so many more.

Yet, it may not bring joy, love, trust, et cetera.

Almost everything has a price tag in this world we live in now.
Can we really buy love and happiness in this world now?
Does money, instead of love make the world go round now?

Is money really that important?

Forgive me.
I have no idea what I'm babbling about right now.
It just frustrates me how money can be the root of all problems sometimes.

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