One problem thing about me and photography and me is that I'm not technical.
Is that good or is that bad?

I know the basics of photography but not how a camera works or when it comes too much into detail about this and that.
I tend to experiment more, or go with the flow, and ask around when it comes to taking photos.

Was talking to a fellow photographer of mine, who is VERY VERY technical when it comes to photography.
Ask him anything about camera and he can dump a whole load of confusing camera terms. (lol)
Anyways, we were wondering if it was a good or a bad thing when it comes to being technical when you're shooting.
We both came to a conclusion that it is useful to a certain point where it's needed to get a good clear shot etc etc...

Then I talked to the oh-so-talented. Mr. Alan Lee.
His simple answer?

Alan Lee says:
i think
as long as the end results speaks volume about ur work
then u shouldnt worry too much abt it

So people, let thy not worry too much about it and just enjoy what you're shooting. =)
When you're too technical about certain thing, you might miss a moment.
So just shoot! =D

End of a short ramble. =p

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