Just because Eve was made from Adam’s side, you don’t have to go around searching for your lost rib to be complete. You are complete in Christ and being perfected everyday. When you marry, you compliment each other and make the ONENESS in marriage a strong foundation. If you still haven’t found a partner, you are more than capable of living a successful and happy life without crying out, “I’m so lonely, nobody loves me, I’m gonna eat some worms!” Stop that nonsense, enjoy your single-hood, have lots of good friends and live life to the full because happiness is no dependant on having a husband or wife. It is dependant on what you make of it, even while you are still single.


Every time someone says “I love that girl or guy”, I wonder if it means “I lust after him or her”. “Come on, are you saying we are incapable of love?” No, in fact we are made in such a creative way where we want to give love and to receive love. But it doesn’t happen overnight. It is nurtured, unconditional, unselfish and sets boundaries. An individual needs to examine his or her motives i.e. lacking family love, insecurity, peer pressured or sheer impatience. Love fuels integrity and is patient to wait without demanding.


What’s the hurry? Enjoy pure, inspiring and educational guy/girl relationships without the attraction signals coming on. Learning to communicate with the opposite sex is a skill in itself. It is developed over time so you just get better. It’s so fun to be able to talk and spend time together in a group rather than pair off and isolate yourselves. Leave the excitement of romance and wanting to belong to someone outside and keep on building strong friendships that last. Only time will tell whether this particular person is whom God is leading you to. Don’t just dive in. It may be shallow and you’ll end up wounding yourself.


Cut the crap about evangelising the other party because he or she is not in the faith. Lead him or her to the Lord, not to yourself. How many times have we heard someone say, “Oh, but I love him/her …so how?” No matter how much you feel attracted to that person and can’t live without him or her, don’t mix your priorities. Evangelism means reaching people to know God, not fall in love with them. If you can’t handle your feelings, always try to arrange for a group of friends to befriend him/her and let evangelism work from there. Meanwhile, be true to your God who will never short change you.


There must be mutual respect between the parties. Ladies, you need to respect the man you are marrying because he will be the head of the home. If you can’t respect him, you’ll end up running the whole show. That’s domineering in nature – bad move. Guys, respect the ladies so that you don’t take advantage of her, and if you do – it’s chauvinistic.


If you’re not currently involved, take the season of your single-hood as a time of self development. Having visions of your life and developing yourself intellectually and spiritually is important. If you spend all your time worrying about who you will marry, when, why not, etc., you will eventually find that you’ve lost precious time on mere questions and fears. Instead, aim to be useful and productive everyday. If you are pursued, you wouldn’t just date every Tom or Jackie that comes your way because you already know what you want. Keep your standards high and either wisely turn the person down or decide to prayerfully pursue the possibilities.


If you can take so much trouble to research on which college to enrol in, how much more a life-partner. Pray and commit your desires to God. Let Him bring you to that person.

When you do find the dream person of your life, it is pure bliss. Marriage is sweet even when you learn to adjust to the differences. However, the right person at wrong time or the wrong person at the right time will cause you to stumble and think that marriage is not for you. Therefore, carefully tread the fragile surface of relationships and you will find you can walk all the way without falling through thin ice.

Author - Sandra Chin is a Company Secretary by training, and has been involved in the worship ministry for the past 18 years. Currently serving as the Worship and Missions Pastor of ACTS Church, she is an illustrative and down-to-earth teacher.

Song currently playing -

When I See You Smile by White Snake.

It's nice.

When I see you smile, I can face the world
You know I can do anything
When I see you smile
I see a ray of light
I see it shining right through the rain
When I see you smile, baby when I see you smile
At me, oh yeh

Songs currently stuck in my head -

Vindicated by Dashboard Confessionals.

Stolen by Dashboard Confessionals.

Moving on,

Kamz, Flo Flo, Mrs. Chuah (sorry En Shit, you're a bit too late. =p) and I went to Young Hearts today. 

Nice place. Pretty good food. Reasonable price.

One thing,


Tracy hearts *someone*

Florence hearts *someone*


Reflection. =)

Flo Flo is hidden wor.. =(

Girls with colour!!! We both dislike soya milk. =)

Flo Flo =D =D =D . I lesbian with you okay?

Tracy loves the big ball.

Erm if you don't know, those heart shapes thingies are actually cushions. For you to sit on.

Why_tracy? Why_Tracy?? You sat on it and it stinks =p

We were really demure. For some reason we don't know why. With Flo Flo serving us little portions of the food we ordered to share among ourselves. 

And you'd think we would be all.. erm.. yeah.. crazy.. and you know.. how Flo Flo and I would usually go..

Till... we started to get hyper and laugh like a bunch of crazy girls.


*imitates Tracy's evil laughter*

Crazy girl was "raping" me while I was driving, honking random cars, tried to unbuckle my bra, poked me, hit me...

*imitates Tracy's evil laughter*


***** ** ******



Clinique had this workshop thingy.

Attend for an hour and you'll get a goodie bag worth RM200.

a RM100 makeover voucher, some small little bottle of sunblock and lip gloss thingy.



Here's what got us laughing.


Arranged according to height.


  1. Went to college,
  2. Photostated my IC for Scholarship Agreement form.
  4. Suddenly thought of it during Business Studies.
  5. Ran down to the co-op.
  6. NO IC.
  7. Ran up to class again.
  8. NO IC.
  9. Ran down to office.
  10. Ask guy to get key.
  11. Guy has no key.
  12. Nice guy came with a huge wire cutter and helped cut the lock open so I could get my forms to see if I dropped the IC in the envelope.
  13. No IC.
  14. Panicked.
  15. Ran up to class again.
  16. Complained to coursemates.
  17. Yik Sean tried to be the funny clown.
  18. Attempt failed at making me less panicky.
  19. Went to look around in co-op again.
  20. Nice coursemates helped looked around, asked aunty.
  21. Mun Loong had to lie down on the floor to look for it. I'm gonna treat him a drink for being so nice.
  22. KWen came and said "I know what you are looking for"
  23. In dis-believe.
  24. Followed KWen to Chemistry Lab.
  25. "Friends" acted clueless.
  26. "Pek Chek" point.
  27. They finally return it.


Failed to find any nice dresses with Adelene. =(
Instead, she bought a nice blouse from Padini.
Had a nice exercise walking around though.

I give up.

Moving on,

I avoided my car like some crazy girl trying to avoid running over a MONITOR LIZARD.


Updates on Jack. =)

Call me crazy but I love my pets.

Who wouldn't?

I'm pretty sure any dog owner would love their dog to bits.

Or maybe a gurlpren loving her boypren to bits.

In this case, boypren-less.

Dogs get more attention. =p

I remember Kiran, Sneha and Jemimah always calling Karyn


because of that extra cartilage or something on her ear..


Anyways, we had too many bananas at home I decided to make CEKODOKs.

You need,

  1. 4 small and really sweet bananas,
  2. 3 spoonful of flour.
  3. A bit of water
  4. Cooking oil
  5. Sugar, if you have a sweet tooth.

Moving on,

  1. Mash the bananas and put it aside.
  2. Mix the flour and water to make a really thick batter. Not too runny.
  3. Add sugar if you think your bananas aren't sweet enough.
  4. Mix it and add the mashed bananas.
  5. Heat a non stick frying pan.
  6. Add a bit of oil but not too much.
  7. Wait for oil to heat up/boil.
  8. Put spoonfuls of the batter in.
  9. Turn it when the other side turns golden brown.
  10. Make sure the other side turns golden brown as well.
  11. Take it out, put it on kitchen rolls.
  12. EAT.

It'll look like this,

The batter and banana.

Frying spoonfuls of the batter.



Enjoy and be fat!

Title of the post has nothing to do with the post.
Just random-ness.

So Abby's Lion managed to escape from the zoo for a few days..

We decided to go for lunch in Jemput Tree cause of its nice ambience and a nice place to just lazearound and this time, with my DSLR baybeh!! *imitating En Shit*

Dropped my sister home who got scared of Josh and didn't even dare look at him. XD

Then some crazy girl hijacked my car.

And drove it to Jemput Tree.

Then we saw the love birds doing "something".


Jemput tree, not a place you would wanna go for good food with its over priced drinks and not so-good-food but still a good place to laze, and chill out with your friends.

Emo boy loves this emo shot of him.

Very Dark. I know. Blame the DSLR for being so complicated and I have to try to figure what ISO, Aperture, etc etc to use.

Lionel played his guitar...

After that, Abby just HAD to bring up stories of us back in primary school.

And my embarassing moments.

Yes, that story where I shouted out real loudly when Wei Jin tried to shake my hand and wish me Merry Christmas just because I had a "guy-phobia" and believed that I would get pregnant when a guy touches me which I doubt he remembers.
And they even did a re-anactment of it. -.-

And she finds me drowning during her 10th birthday party AMUSING.

The remake of L Word.

Erm... I look.. Horny and high here.

They tried to rape me.

With Josh capturing mostly everything which they tried to do.

Don't mind the last few photos.. I was.. asking Josh why he is using the flash.

They should have G Word as well,

With the story going something like this,

Boy meets boy.

Boy 1 checks Boy 2 out.

Boy 1 pretending to look cool while trying to attract Boy 2's

Boy 1 pretends and goes closer and closer to Boy 2 for some "action".

Boy 2 says "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Boy 1 goes, "Don't leave me laaaa.. =( "

Boy 2 ignores and is not interested.

Boy 1 emo. =(

Now, who wants to date Boy 1?

Abby says he needs a girlfriend. =)

What's left of our lunch.

Then they had an hour more to spare before class starts so they came to my house.
-.- Abby was so scared of my dogs,Lionel had to carry her.
And conveniently kicked my coffee table.

Nah, she's just taking advantage la.

The 4 of them lazed around... not moving one single bit watching MTV.
After dropping them back to college, went to Mount Erskine to play with puppy Rottweilers.


Jerry and Cindy.
Jerry loves the camera.

Hence, the "nice" shots of him since he actually stops and poses in front of the camera.

Signing off,
Rambutan Addict.