Disted. Taken when I was emo-ing in the morning.

Don Dumb. XD

My cat. =)


Would you like someone teasing you about your flaws?


Making you feel so low about yourself and worse, starting to hate yourself?

Having fun laughing at people's misery and not stopping even when they tell you they've had enough of it?

You gotta know when to stop.


Enough is enough.

I miss having someone to message non-stop with.

I miss having someone to disturb in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.

I miss having someone to talk on the phone until 4 a.m. and laughing non stop.

I miss having someone cheering me up when I'm down.

I miss having someone who actually cares for me.

I miss having someone who actually worries about me.

I miss having someone to hug.

I miss having someone to lock arms with.

I miss having someone to hold hands with.

I miss having someone to share drinks with.

I miss having someone to share food with.

I miss having someone's cheeks to kiss.

I miss having someone to hug who would hold me tight and sniff my hair.

I miss having someone to cuddle and be playful with.

I miss having someone's shoulder to lean on.

I miss having someone to make me feel beautiful.

I miss having someone who appreciates me.

I miss having someone to argue over small little things and then make up.

I miss having someone who would whisper sweet nothings.

I miss having someone to piggy back me.

I miss having someone to wake me up in the morning.

I miss having someone to share a meaningful song with.

I miss having someone to fantasize about the future.

I miss having someone to plan a dream family and home with.

I miss having someone to look forward to meet.

I miss having someone to talk to when I need someone.

I miss having someone to be there for me.

I miss having someone who's protective over me.

I mis having someone who would like me as I am.

I miss having someone who would miss me.

I miss having someone who would listen to me play childish songs on my electric piano.

I miss having someone who would play the guitar for me through the phone.

I miss having someone to annoy but still think it's adorable.

I miss having someone to complain about nonsense to.

I miss having my mom knowing about me being close to someone and teasing about it.

I miss having someone who loves me. 

Lynn needs to stop living in dreamland and grow up.

In the past 3 months, the A levels Arts had changed a number of 4 lecturers for Economics..

Ms. Yee - Medical leave for operation or something,

Ms. Ong - Left after 2 or 3 weeks because she teaches like this, "The plice of the chicken lice" and                   this we deserve better lecturers.

Ms. Tan - Left after 2 or 3 weeks because "She's tired"

Ms. Boey - *speechless* Let's just say she can go around the bush quite often and requires the                     class to go.. "YES!!! OKAY!!!! MMMM!!!" -.-
                    According to her, Mun Loong drives the ferarri and she drives the lorry. -.-

That's her.. and Mun Loong's Peel Fresh orange juice.


We went for breakfast in Sunrise McD and Mun Loong's driving.. let's just say I screamed a lot.

And.. apparently everytime he fetches me, there will be a police stopping him. It happened twice already. XD

Then.. we had lunch break and everybody crammed into En Shi's AVANZA! XD.. 7 people to be exact.. and we went to Gurney..

En Shi, you could have killed us with that crazy driving up that windy thingy try to compete with TJ. -.-

I call this.. Mickey Mouse mia fried rice. XD (Shi Shi's flied lice XD)

Class was boring and I was "fishing".. but it was hilarious at times.. with the jokes and reactions and people "being serious". XD

The day before yesterday, Cheryl kidnapped Mooky and brought it up for Business class..

HILARIOUS. Practically everyone in the class hugged/squeezed/whatever it.

That's pretty much I guess..


Signing out,


BATman already went to Australia without putting my cats into a suitcase. =(

(01:14) Lynn: joshua hen phiau liang XD
(01:14) Aimy Lee: oh
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: er ee lynn hen
(01:14) Aimy Lee: lol fei
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: nevermind
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: lol omg
(01:14) Lynn: =(
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: AIMY
                                         u freaking read my mind ?!
(01:15) Lynn: *emo-ing*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:15) Aimy Lee: yeah
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: go la go find a little corner and slit ur wrist
(01:15) Lynn: *changes emo display photo*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: but hey that's a common thing
(01:15) Lynn: *emo face*
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: go la go find a little corner and slit ur fat wrist*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: everyone knows that
(01:15) Lynn: =(
fat wrist.. harsh
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: but anyways adipose layer will probably protect.. so slit also cannot die
(01:16) Lynn: why you so mean to me?
(01:16) Aimy Lee: wait
(01:16) Aimy Lee: i think she need a big fat corner
small corner can fit ah?
(01:16) Joshua Chuah: OMG
(01:16) Joshua Chuah: errr.. aimy... tough question..
(01:17) Lynn: *speechless*
(01:17) Joshua Chuah: actually... its a very relative question..
(01:17) Lynn: sigh.. nevermind la.. I accept the fact that I'm fat then..
(01:17) Aimy Lee: it was baby jin's idea
(01:17) Joshua Chuah: okie !! large corner k ?
(01:17) Aimy Lee: LOL
big fat corner
(01:17) Aimy Lee: small wan walls will crack
(01:18) Joshua Chuah: lol
is this aimy ?
(01:18) Aimy Lee: yeah
on skype with him
(01:18) Lynn has changed his/her name to "Lynn - In a big fat corner slitting her fat wrist. Anything else Aimy and Joshua?"
(01:18) Aimy Lee: wag
slit d ah
(01:19) Aimy Lee: need call big sized ambulance?
(01:19) Joshua Chuah: LOL
big sized ambulance must use like 6 lane expressway
(01:19) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:19) Joshua Chuah: but then again... ambulance will burn a lot of fuel carrying so much weight
cannot.. need alternative
(01:20) Aimy Lee: helicopter?
(01:20) Lynn - In a big fat corner slitting her fat wrist. Anything else Aimy and Joshua? has changed his/her name to "Lynn - So mean... *sniffs*"
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: crazy ahh
(01:20) Aimy Lee: cannot go up
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: weigh the helicopter down
oh right..
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: cant even weigh it down when it cant take off
(01:20) Spuddy. has been added to the conversation.
(01:21) Aimy Lee: lol
gone d?
(01:21) Joshua Chuah: but ok.. say if against all odds can make it to the hospital... theres no operating table that can take her weight
(01:21) Aimy Lee: yeah
(01:21) Spuddy.: there's always a crane and a truck.
(01:21) Aimy Lee: the hospital door also cannot let her pass through
(01:21) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:21) Spuddy.: come on la
dont so mean la
later she really slit her wrists
then all her fat would flood penang
(01:22) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:22) Aimy Lee: HAHAHAHAHAHA
(01:22) Joshua Chuah: if it slits at all...
adipose layer too thick
(01:22) Aimy Lee: HAHAHAHAHAHA
(01:23) Joshua Chuah: stubby fingers prolly cant even hold whatever sharp to cut
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: if you didn't know, I'm crying and laughing now
like in GP
(01:23) Aimy Lee: LOL
(01:23) Spuddy.: lol? you were cry laughing in gp?
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: THANKS TO YOUR AIMY
(01:23) Spuddy.: oh oh
that one.
sit on aimy, she sure die.
(01:23) Aimy Lee: LOL
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: yor.. make me seem like i'm so fat
(01:23) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: =(
(01:23) Aimy Lee: lol
i'm gonna laugh till i die or something
(01:24) Aimy Lee: uh oh........
no reply
(01:25) Aimy Lee: hello?????????????????????????
anybody home????????
(01:25) Lynn - So mean..: lynn's finger too fat d
can't type
(01:26) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:26) Spuddy.: oh. like that i help you order a jumbo size keyboard, k?
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: lynn says no need
(01:26) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: i will help lynn type instead
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: safe money for her LIPOSUCTION
(01:27) Spuddy.: its save money la. fat got to her brains? lol.
(01:27) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: SORRY LA
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: YOR
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: wei jin oh wei jin
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: DOING BUSINESS NOTES MAH
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: YOR
(01:27) Aimy Lee: lol
i see
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: tomorrow you're gonna see me with swollen eyes d
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: fat cant actually get to her brains... weighed down by gravity
(01:28) Aimy Lee: lol
no ma
too much d ah
will push it up[
(01:28) Lynn - So mean..: you three find joy in making me feel worse is it?
(01:28) Aimy Lee: awwwww
sorry lorrrrrrrr
play ni maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(01:29) Spuddy.: not really. i find more joy in solitaire
so sorry lor
(01:29) Joshua Chuah: SORRRRRYYYYY !!!!!!
*note the caps so the words look as BIG as possible
(01:30) Lynn - So mean..: sarcasm
(01:30) Aimy Lee: LOL
i'm sincere
(01:30) Joshua Chuah: ok lol
me too
i'm sorry.
(01:30) Spuddy.: i'm sincere too. sorry la.
(01:30) Joshua Chuah:
(01:30) Lynn - So mean..: don't kesi kesi la
(01:30) Aimy Lee:
she doesn
(01:31) Aimy Lee: wanna forgive us
(01:31) Joshua Chuah: no.. not anymore..
i'm serious d..
i'm really sorry k..
(01:31) Spuddy.: when i really say sorry you don't wanna listen
(01:31) Lynn - So mean..: okay.. that made my tears flow out even more
(01:31) Aimy Lee: .......
(01:32) Lynn - So mean..: that day, i bertaubat, wanna kurangkan lemaks
eat less, my mother said
(01:33) Lynn - So mean..: "yealah! you should! now you know you're fat. who told you you're fat?
(01:33) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Aimy Lee: are not so mean after all
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: NOT SO MEAN AFTER ALL?
(01:34) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Joshua Chuah: Lynn - So mean... *sniffs* says (1:33 AM):
that day, i bertaubat, wanna kurangkan lemaks

lemaks had an s... for.. plural ??
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: mmm.. I was pictured as the fattest person on the whole entire earth
(01:34) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: haha erm.. that's how we talked in school
lemaks, tu baks
(01:36) Lynn - So mean..: terrible friends
(01:36) Aimy Lee: lol
we're nice]
'm nice
(01:36) Aimy Lee: you have ADD i'm nice no matter what
(01:37) Joshua Chuah: i know.. i was just wondering why lemaks had an s.. was it coz there was excessive ??
(01:37) Lynn - So mean..: ....
yeah.. you could say so
(01:38) Aimy Lee: lol
they just add sssssssss to every word la
(01:38) Lynn - So mean..: he's trying to go to the point that i have a lot of fat la
(01:38) Joshua Chuah: LOL
aimy ahh
(01:38) Lynn - So mean..: *FATS
(01:39) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:40) Lynn - So mean..: yor.. enough d k..
I'm like crying non stop now
(01:40) Aimy Lee: lol
you baby lynn d
(01:40) Lynn - So mean..: cause it's insulting...
(01:41) Lynn - So mean..: I've been fat since i was born. -.-
(01:41) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:41) Aimy Lee: right
(01:42) Aimy Lee: mr yang here was much fatter than you before la
(01:42) Lynn - So mean..: but he slimmed down
me? I gained more FATS
(01:43) Aimy Lee: you can lose if he can
(01:43) Lynn - So mean..: POSITIVE THINKING - God made everything beautiful okay
(01:44) Aimy Lee: haha
(01:44) Joshua Chuah: Amen
(01:44) Spuddy.: come gym with me lah. this aimy ah. everyday take up my gym time. idiot wan lar... now i'm growing fatter.
(01:44) Lynn - So mean..: mm.. i'm very rich
i didn't know
(01:45) Spuddy.: take all your lunch money and invest it in gym
sure thin down in 2 months
(01:46) Joshua Chuah: eelynn'd take 20
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: =(
(01:46) Joshua Chuah: 20 days 20 days... just kidding
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: so mean....
(01:46) Aimy Lee: lol!!!
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: I wanna go africa and get married d la
they love fat women.
(01:47) Joshua Chuah: BUT NOT THATTT FAT !!!
(01:47) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:47) Lynn - So mean..: .....
bye bye
(01:47) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:48) Joshua Chuah: ahaha
(01:48) Aimy Lee: oi
(01:48) Lynn - So mean..: i have nothing to say d
(01:49) Lynn - So mean... *sniffs* has changed his/her name to "Lynn"
(01:50) Spuddy.: lynn, is your mom wondering why you're crying in front of the pc? lol.
(01:50) Lynn: i'm in my room and she's sleeping
(01:50) Aimy Lee: oh
(01:50) Lynn: yeah
(01:51) Lynn: ish.. can't breathe properly now..
nose block d
(01:51) Aimy Lee: lol
go sleep d la
i wanna sleep d
(01:51) Aimy Lee: good night people
(01:51) Lynn: night
God bless
(01:52) Aimy Lee: see ya all tomorrow
(01:52) Lynn: God make aimy fat if you can't make me thing
(01:52) Aimy Lee: lol


*Lynn was being random at home as usual*

Lynn : *turns and looks at mom suddenly with a cheeky smile* Mee.. Adopt an older brother
              for me laaa..

Mom : Siau *continues watching tv)

Lynn : Wei, it's nice ma.. having someone to protect you..

Mom : *ignores and watches tv*

Lynn : *continues bugging* I really want an elder brother la.

Mom : *to shut me up* Ah you got beng teik koko.

Lynn : He's my cousin and he's in Singapore!

Mom : *ignores*

Lynn : =(

Who wouldn't want a cute little sister like me sneaking up in his room and scaring him at night looking like this?? XD

I won't guarantee that you won't have bad dreams though. XD

I've been living with a shadow overhead,
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,
I've been lonely for so long,
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seem to move on!

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away,
Just in case I ever need them again someday,
I've been setting aside time,
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!

All I want to do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine,
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs,
I know that it's out there,
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere!

I've been looking for someone to shed some light,
Not somebody just to get me through the night,
I could use some direction,
And I'm open to your suggestions.

All I want to do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
And if I open my heart again,
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!
Oooooooh, Ooooooh, Ooooooh.

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love,
I can't make it through without a way back into love,
And if I open my heart to you,
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,
And if you help me to start again,
You know that I'll be there for you in the end!
Oooooooh. Oooooooh. Ooooooooh. Oooooooh. Ooooooh Ooooooooh. Ooooooooh.

Who have I got?
No one.


I play with my beloved camera a lot.
YOU BEH SYOK? JEALOUS? XD (Miss Jelissa's favourite quote)

Er... Random photo taking at night when I was bored. XD

Jasryn Ng says:
your pic is seriously cool
it looks like an advert
you know like for malaysian dreamgirl or soemthing


Lynn says:
not short ones

Aimy Lee says:
try la

Lynn says:
good girl

Aimy Lee says:

Lynn says:
ask me to get a blog..
i keep updating

Aimy Lee says:

Lynn says:
i wanna bite your head off

Aimy Lee says:
nothing to write ler'

Lynn says:
then i got sooo many crap to write

Aimy Lee says:
according to people
blogs are for single people

Lynn says:
abby le?
karyn le?

Aimy Lee says:
i lazy to update la
i'll update when i emo k?

I have my blog (boyfriend)  and Ames have Jin (boyfriend)

Don't expect her to update anymore.


Abby's birthday.. =)

Birthday girl and her black forest from the blog mistress. =P

19th of March.

My friend since Standard 1..

I bullied her back then.. Now? She bullies people including me.. Revenge.. she says.. XD

Still love her... =) All those times we had back then eh? XD..

Sleepovers, Stayovers at Ms. Ong's house, birthday parties, boys, speed shopping and so many more.. It was nice growing up with a friend like you..

Fooling around.. XD.. as usual.

Happy birthday *censor*

The brothers. XD

Birthday girl, Red head, PONTIANAK.

"whee! cake!"



I ain't a retard...

Dia tak nak layan saya..
Fun adventure on the way to Sunrise McD huh? XD

Pre-moral exam stress.

He only lets Abby disturb him.. =p


Abby, Joshua is not a car, you can't "turn him on" with the remote. XD

Joshua, close your mouth or the fly will get in. XD XD XD

Ju-lynn and her victim. XD

ANDDDDDDDD... you can stop with the teasings about my "assets".

Honey and Tina is in Disted now!

Moral exam was.. fine.. I finished it in 30 minutes or so and went out. XD..

I cried during GP class.. hahah.. and wrote a crappy essay.. Went back home after handing in the essay and jogged 4 rounds in the park..

Went for aunt's birthday dinner.. and the bill totalled up to ... RM1700! *faints*

Aunt and my cousin sister, my "twin" apparently..

Do we look alike? XD

Roasted baby pig. We're cruel aren't we?

and I laughed like mad at what my uncle said..

"you take the loti to uun the kali"

Instead of studying Moral..

As we all know, there are plenty of imitation goods in Malaysia and they can mostly be found in those late night markets.. Those imitation goods are somehow quite similar to the original minus the quality..

Unlike this...









Would you still wanna buy them?


MY ATM MACHINE aka my dad is coming back this Wednesday night!


Short post of random-nees.

Gotta start studying. XD

I miss my grandpa.. =(

This photo really reminds me of him.. somehow.. =( It's been 10 years already..

I remember that very day when he passed away suddenly..

I was in art class drawing and painting a cowboy on a pony.. I still remember how it looks like.. My art teacher teaching me how to create that grassy effect with the back of my brush.. I didn't manage to finish the painting cause me dad came suddenly to pick me up saying my grandfather didn't pick up the phone and didn't answer my neighbour who was knocking on the door.. I remember packing everything so fast and thinking 
how he is.. We rushed back to my grandfather's house (the one i'm living in now) and my mom was crying while trying to unlock the gate with trembling hands... I didn't know what was happening as I was only 9.. I went in.. I saw my grandfather lying there.. motion-less.. The kitchen table had a bowl of his favourite "bee koh moi" which spilled.. and blood on the floor.. We didn't know what happened nor how he died.. My mom called my grandaunt, and she came to settle everything..

I stopped attending art classes ever since.. =(
Hence, my lousy artwork.

That's how I lost my grandfather.. the one who would make my favourite jelly.. share with me our favourite junk food, "kacang putih" and "the long fish thingy"..



Don was sleeping ever so soundly on the cold marble floor..

When he sniffed something nice coming from the kitchen, he opened his little eyes..

He woke up, walked to the kitchen..

Looked around for the food that he could smell..

He searched far and wide.. then.. he saw.. MY MOM EATING.. (something... I forgot what)

And started to put on his "SUPER KELIAN" face..

My mom said.. "No... go eat your own food..".. but he stayed put with the "KELIAN FACE"

He starting doing tricks to beg for food..

He stood up and looked at my mom with his "SUPER KELIAN" face..

My mom gave in.. he ate the food and proceeded to sleep.


He is so cute, I wanna pinch him. XD