(01:14) Lynn: joshua hen phiau liang XD
(01:14) Aimy Lee: oh
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: er ee lynn hen
(01:14) Aimy Lee: lol fei
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: nevermind
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: lol omg
(01:14) Lynn: =(
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: AIMY
u freaking read my mind ?!
(01:15) Lynn: *emo-ing*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:15) Aimy Lee: yeah
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: go la go find a little corner and slit ur wrist
(01:15) Lynn: *changes emo display photo*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: but hey that's a common thing
(01:15) Lynn: *emo face*
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: go la go find a little corner and slit ur fat wrist*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: everyone knows that
(01:15) Lynn: =(
fat wrist.. harsh
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: but anyways adipose layer will probably protect.. so slit also cannot die
(01:16) Lynn: why you so mean to me?
(01:16) Aimy Lee: wait
(01:16) Aimy Lee: i think she need a big fat corner
small corner can fit ah?
(01:16) Joshua Chuah: OMG
(01:16) Joshua Chuah: errr.. aimy... tough question..
(01:17) Lynn: *speechless*
(01:17) Joshua Chuah: actually... its a very relative question..
(01:17) Lynn: sigh.. nevermind la.. I accept the fact that I'm fat then..
(01:17) Aimy Lee: it was baby jin's idea
(01:17) Joshua Chuah: okie !! large corner k ?
(01:17) Aimy Lee: LOL
big fat corner
(01:17) Aimy Lee: small wan walls will crack
(01:18) Joshua Chuah: lol
is this aimy ?
(01:18) Aimy Lee: yeah
on skype with him
(01:18) Lynn has changed his/her name to "Lynn - In a big fat corner slitting her fat wrist. Anything else Aimy and Joshua?"
(01:18) Aimy Lee: wag
slit d ah
(01:19) Aimy Lee: need call big sized ambulance?
(01:19) Joshua Chuah: LOL
big sized ambulance must use like 6 lane expressway
(01:19) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:19) Joshua Chuah: but then again... ambulance will burn a lot of fuel carrying so much weight
cannot.. need alternative
(01:20) Aimy Lee: helicopter?
(01:20) Lynn - In a big fat corner slitting her fat wrist. Anything else Aimy and Joshua? has changed his/her name to "Lynn - So mean... *sniffs*"
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: crazy ahh
(01:20) Aimy Lee: cannot go up
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: weigh the helicopter down
oh right..
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: cant even weigh it down when it cant take off
(01:20) Spuddy. has been added to the conversation.
(01:21) Aimy Lee: lol
gone d?
(01:21) Joshua Chuah: but ok.. say if against all odds can make it to the hospital... theres no operating table that can take her weight
(01:21) Aimy Lee: yeah
(01:21) Spuddy.: there's always a crane and a truck.
(01:21) Aimy Lee: the hospital door also cannot let her pass through
(01:21) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:21) Spuddy.: come on la
dont so mean la
later she really slit her wrists
then all her fat would flood penang
(01:22) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:22) Aimy Lee: HAHAHAHAHAHA
(01:22) Joshua Chuah: if it slits at all...
adipose layer too thick
(01:22) Aimy Lee: HAHAHAHAHAHA
(01:23) Joshua Chuah: stubby fingers prolly cant even hold whatever sharp to cut
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: if you didn't know, I'm crying and laughing now
like in GP
(01:23) Aimy Lee: LOL
(01:23) Spuddy.: lol? you were cry laughing in gp?
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: THANKS TO YOUR AIMY
(01:23) Spuddy.: oh oh
that one.
sit on aimy, she sure die.
(01:23) Aimy Lee: LOL
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: yor.. make me seem like i'm so fat
(01:23) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: =(
(01:23) Aimy Lee: lol
i'm gonna laugh till i die or something
(01:24) Aimy Lee: uh oh........
no reply
(01:25) Aimy Lee: hello?????????????????????????
anybody home????????
(01:25) Lynn - So mean..: lynn's finger too fat d
can't type
(01:26) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:26) Spuddy.: oh. like that i help you order a jumbo size keyboard, k?
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: lynn says no need
(01:26) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: i will help lynn type instead
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: safe money for her LIPOSUCTION
(01:27) Spuddy.: its save money la. fat got to her brains? lol.
(01:27) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: SORRY LA
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: YOR
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: wei jin oh wei jin
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: DOING BUSINESS NOTES MAH
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: YOR
(01:27) Aimy Lee: lol
i see
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: tomorrow you're gonna see me with swollen eyes d
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: fat cant actually get to her brains... weighed down by gravity
(01:28) Aimy Lee: lol
no ma
too much d ah
will push it up[
(01:28) Lynn - So mean..: you three find joy in making me feel worse is it?
(01:28) Aimy Lee: awwwww
sorry lorrrrrrrr
play ni maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(01:29) Spuddy.: not really. i find more joy in solitaire
so sorry lor
(01:29) Joshua Chuah: SORRRRRYYYYY !!!!!!
*note the caps so the words look as BIG as possible
(01:30) Lynn - So mean..: sarcasm
(01:30) Aimy Lee: LOL
i'm sincere
(01:30) Joshua Chuah: ok lol
me too
i'm sorry.
(01:30) Spuddy.: i'm sincere too. sorry la.
(01:30) Joshua Chuah:
(01:30) Lynn - So mean..: don't kesi kesi la
(01:30) Aimy Lee:
she doesn
(01:31) Aimy Lee: wanna forgive us
(01:31) Joshua Chuah: no.. not anymore..
i'm serious d..
i'm really sorry k..
(01:31) Spuddy.: when i really say sorry you don't wanna listen
(01:31) Lynn - So mean..: okay.. that made my tears flow out even more
(01:31) Aimy Lee: .......
(01:32) Lynn - So mean..: that day, i bertaubat, wanna kurangkan lemaks
eat less, my mother said
(01:33) Lynn - So mean..: "yealah! you should! now you know you're fat. who told you you're fat?
(01:33) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Aimy Lee: are not so mean after all
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: NOT SO MEAN AFTER ALL?
(01:34) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Joshua Chuah: Lynn - So mean... *sniffs* says (1:33 AM):
that day, i bertaubat, wanna kurangkan lemaks
lemaks had an s... for.. plural ??
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: mmm.. I was pictured as the fattest person on the whole entire earth
(01:34) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: haha erm.. that's how we talked in school
lemaks, tu baks
(01:36) Lynn - So mean..: terrible friends
(01:36) Aimy Lee: lol
we're nice]
'm nice
(01:36) Aimy Lee: you have ADD i'm nice no matter what
(01:37) Joshua Chuah: i know.. i was just wondering why lemaks had an s.. was it coz there was excessive ??
(01:37) Lynn - So mean..: ....
yeah.. you could say so
(01:38) Aimy Lee: lol
they just add sssssssss to every word la
(01:38) Lynn - So mean..: he's trying to go to the point that i have a lot of fat la
(01:38) Joshua Chuah: LOL
aimy ahh
(01:38) Lynn - So mean..: *FATS
(01:39) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:40) Lynn - So mean..: yor.. enough d k..
I'm like crying non stop now
(01:40) Aimy Lee: lol
you baby lynn d
(01:40) Lynn - So mean..: cause it's insulting...
(01:41) Lynn - So mean..: I've been fat since i was born. -.-
(01:41) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:41) Aimy Lee: right
(01:42) Aimy Lee: mr yang here was much fatter than you before la
(01:42) Lynn - So mean..: but he slimmed down
me? I gained more FATS
(01:43) Aimy Lee: you can lose if he can
(01:43) Lynn - So mean..: POSITIVE THINKING - God made everything beautiful okay
(01:44) Aimy Lee: haha
(01:44) Joshua Chuah: Amen
(01:44) Spuddy.: come gym with me lah. this aimy ah. everyday take up my gym time. idiot wan lar... now i'm growing fatter.
(01:44) Lynn - So mean..: mm.. i'm very rich
i didn't know
(01:45) Spuddy.: take all your lunch money and invest it in gym
sure thin down in 2 months
(01:46) Joshua Chuah: eelynn'd take 20
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: =(
(01:46) Joshua Chuah: 20 days 20 days... just kidding
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: so mean....
(01:46) Aimy Lee: lol!!!
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: I wanna go africa and get married d la
they love fat women.
(01:47) Joshua Chuah: BUT NOT THATTT FAT !!!
(01:47) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:47) Lynn - So mean..: .....
bye bye
(01:47) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:48) Joshua Chuah: ahaha
(01:48) Aimy Lee: oi
(01:48) Lynn - So mean..: i have nothing to say d
(01:49) Lynn - So mean... *sniffs* has changed his/her name to "Lynn"
(01:50) Spuddy.: lynn, is your mom wondering why you're crying in front of the pc? lol.
(01:50) Lynn: i'm in my room and she's sleeping
(01:50) Aimy Lee: oh
(01:50) Lynn: yeah
(01:51) Lynn: ish.. can't breathe properly now..
nose block d
(01:51) Aimy Lee: lol
go sleep d la
i wanna sleep d
(01:51) Aimy Lee: good night people
(01:51) Lynn: night
God bless
(01:52) Aimy Lee: see ya all tomorrow
(01:52) Lynn: God make aimy fat if you can't make me thing
(01:52) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:14) Aimy Lee: oh
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: er ee lynn hen
(01:14) Aimy Lee: lol fei
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: nevermind
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: lol omg
(01:14) Lynn: =(
(01:14) Joshua Chuah: AIMY
u freaking read my mind ?!
(01:15) Lynn: *emo-ing*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:15) Aimy Lee: yeah
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: go la go find a little corner and slit ur wrist
(01:15) Lynn: *changes emo display photo*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: but hey that's a common thing
(01:15) Lynn: *emo face*
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: go la go find a little corner and slit ur fat wrist*
(01:15) Aimy Lee: everyone knows that
(01:15) Lynn: =(
fat wrist.. harsh
(01:15) Joshua Chuah: but anyways adipose layer will probably protect.. so slit also cannot die
(01:16) Lynn: why you so mean to me?
(01:16) Aimy Lee: wait
(01:16) Aimy Lee: i think she need a big fat corner
small corner can fit ah?
(01:16) Joshua Chuah: OMG
(01:16) Joshua Chuah: errr.. aimy... tough question..
(01:17) Lynn: *speechless*
(01:17) Joshua Chuah: actually... its a very relative question..
(01:17) Lynn: sigh.. nevermind la.. I accept the fact that I'm fat then..
(01:17) Aimy Lee: it was baby jin's idea
(01:17) Joshua Chuah: okie !! large corner k ?
(01:17) Aimy Lee: LOL
big fat corner
(01:17) Aimy Lee: small wan walls will crack
(01:18) Joshua Chuah: lol
is this aimy ?
(01:18) Aimy Lee: yeah
on skype with him
(01:18) Lynn has changed his/her name to "Lynn - In a big fat corner slitting her fat wrist. Anything else Aimy and Joshua?"
(01:18) Aimy Lee: wag
slit d ah
(01:19) Aimy Lee: need call big sized ambulance?
(01:19) Joshua Chuah: LOL
big sized ambulance must use like 6 lane expressway
(01:19) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:19) Joshua Chuah: but then again... ambulance will burn a lot of fuel carrying so much weight
cannot.. need alternative
(01:20) Aimy Lee: helicopter?
(01:20) Lynn - In a big fat corner slitting her fat wrist. Anything else Aimy and Joshua? has changed his/her name to "Lynn - So mean... *sniffs*"
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: crazy ahh
(01:20) Aimy Lee: cannot go up
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: weigh the helicopter down
oh right..
(01:20) Joshua Chuah: cant even weigh it down when it cant take off
(01:20) Spuddy. has been added to the conversation.
(01:21) Aimy Lee: lol
gone d?
(01:21) Joshua Chuah: but ok.. say if against all odds can make it to the hospital... theres no operating table that can take her weight
(01:21) Aimy Lee: yeah
(01:21) Spuddy.: there's always a crane and a truck.
(01:21) Aimy Lee: the hospital door also cannot let her pass through
(01:21) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:21) Spuddy.: come on la
dont so mean la
later she really slit her wrists
then all her fat would flood penang
(01:22) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:22) Aimy Lee: HAHAHAHAHAHA
(01:22) Joshua Chuah: if it slits at all...
adipose layer too thick
(01:22) Aimy Lee: HAHAHAHAHAHA
(01:23) Joshua Chuah: stubby fingers prolly cant even hold whatever sharp to cut
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: if you didn't know, I'm crying and laughing now
like in GP
(01:23) Aimy Lee: LOL
(01:23) Spuddy.: lol? you were cry laughing in gp?
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: THANKS TO YOUR AIMY
(01:23) Spuddy.: oh oh
that one.
sit on aimy, she sure die.
(01:23) Aimy Lee: LOL
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: yor.. make me seem like i'm so fat
(01:23) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:23) Lynn - So mean..: =(
(01:23) Aimy Lee: lol
i'm gonna laugh till i die or something
(01:24) Aimy Lee: uh oh........
no reply
(01:25) Aimy Lee: hello?????????????????????????
anybody home????????
(01:25) Lynn - So mean..: lynn's finger too fat d
can't type
(01:26) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:26) Spuddy.: oh. like that i help you order a jumbo size keyboard, k?
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: lynn says no need
(01:26) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: i will help lynn type instead
(01:26) Lynn - So mean..: safe money for her LIPOSUCTION
(01:27) Spuddy.: its save money la. fat got to her brains? lol.
(01:27) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: SORRY LA
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: LOL
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: YOR
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: wei jin oh wei jin
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: DOING BUSINESS NOTES MAH
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: YOR
(01:27) Aimy Lee: lol
i see
(01:27) Lynn - So mean..: tomorrow you're gonna see me with swollen eyes d
(01:27) Joshua Chuah: fat cant actually get to her brains... weighed down by gravity
(01:28) Aimy Lee: lol
no ma
too much d ah
will push it up[
(01:28) Lynn - So mean..: you three find joy in making me feel worse is it?
(01:28) Aimy Lee: awwwww
sorry lorrrrrrrr
play ni maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(01:29) Spuddy.: not really. i find more joy in solitaire
so sorry lor
(01:29) Joshua Chuah: SORRRRRYYYYY !!!!!!
*note the caps so the words look as BIG as possible
(01:30) Lynn - So mean..: sarcasm
(01:30) Aimy Lee: LOL
i'm sincere
(01:30) Joshua Chuah: ok lol
me too
i'm sorry.
(01:30) Spuddy.: i'm sincere too. sorry la.
(01:30) Joshua Chuah:
(01:30) Lynn - So mean..: don't kesi kesi la
(01:30) Aimy Lee:
she doesn
(01:31) Aimy Lee: wanna forgive us
(01:31) Joshua Chuah: no.. not anymore..
i'm serious d..
i'm really sorry k..
(01:31) Spuddy.: when i really say sorry you don't wanna listen
(01:31) Lynn - So mean..: okay.. that made my tears flow out even more
(01:31) Aimy Lee: .......
(01:32) Lynn - So mean..: that day, i bertaubat, wanna kurangkan lemaks
eat less, my mother said
(01:33) Lynn - So mean..: "yealah! you should! now you know you're fat. who told you you're fat?
(01:33) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Aimy Lee: are not so mean after all
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: NOT SO MEAN AFTER ALL?
(01:34) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Joshua Chuah: Lynn - So mean... *sniffs* says (1:33 AM):
that day, i bertaubat, wanna kurangkan lemaks
lemaks had an s... for.. plural ??
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: mmm.. I was pictured as the fattest person on the whole entire earth
(01:34) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:34) Lynn - So mean..: haha erm.. that's how we talked in school
lemaks, tu baks
(01:36) Lynn - So mean..: terrible friends
(01:36) Aimy Lee: lol
we're nice]
'm nice
(01:36) Aimy Lee: you have ADD i'm nice no matter what
(01:37) Joshua Chuah: i know.. i was just wondering why lemaks had an s.. was it coz there was excessive ??
(01:37) Lynn - So mean..: ....
yeah.. you could say so
(01:38) Aimy Lee: lol
they just add sssssssss to every word la
(01:38) Lynn - So mean..: he's trying to go to the point that i have a lot of fat la
(01:38) Joshua Chuah: LOL
aimy ahh
(01:38) Lynn - So mean..: *FATS
(01:39) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:40) Lynn - So mean..: yor.. enough d k..
I'm like crying non stop now
(01:40) Aimy Lee: lol
you baby lynn d
(01:40) Lynn - So mean..: cause it's insulting...
(01:41) Lynn - So mean..: I've been fat since i was born. -.-
(01:41) Joshua Chuah: lol
(01:41) Aimy Lee: right
(01:42) Aimy Lee: mr yang here was much fatter than you before la
(01:42) Lynn - So mean..: but he slimmed down
me? I gained more FATS
(01:43) Aimy Lee: you can lose if he can
(01:43) Lynn - So mean..: POSITIVE THINKING - God made everything beautiful okay
(01:44) Aimy Lee: haha
(01:44) Joshua Chuah: Amen
(01:44) Spuddy.: come gym with me lah. this aimy ah. everyday take up my gym time. idiot wan lar... now i'm growing fatter.
(01:44) Lynn - So mean..: mm.. i'm very rich
i didn't know
(01:45) Spuddy.: take all your lunch money and invest it in gym
sure thin down in 2 months
(01:46) Joshua Chuah: eelynn'd take 20
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: =(
(01:46) Joshua Chuah: 20 days 20 days... just kidding
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: so mean....
(01:46) Aimy Lee: lol!!!
(01:46) Lynn - So mean..: I wanna go africa and get married d la
they love fat women.
(01:47) Joshua Chuah: BUT NOT THATTT FAT !!!
(01:47) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:47) Lynn - So mean..: .....
bye bye
(01:47) Aimy Lee: lol
(01:48) Joshua Chuah: ahaha
(01:48) Aimy Lee: oi
(01:48) Lynn - So mean..: i have nothing to say d
(01:49) Lynn - So mean... *sniffs* has changed his/her name to "Lynn"
(01:50) Spuddy.: lynn, is your mom wondering why you're crying in front of the pc? lol.
(01:50) Lynn: i'm in my room and she's sleeping
(01:50) Aimy Lee: oh
(01:50) Lynn: yeah
(01:51) Lynn: ish.. can't breathe properly now..
nose block d
(01:51) Aimy Lee: lol
go sleep d la
i wanna sleep d
(01:51) Aimy Lee: good night people
(01:51) Lynn: night
God bless
(01:52) Aimy Lee: see ya all tomorrow
(01:52) Lynn: God make aimy fat if you can't make me thing
(01:52) Aimy Lee: lol