In the past 3 months, the A levels Arts had changed a number of 4 lecturers for Economics..

Ms. Yee - Medical leave for operation or something,

Ms. Ong - Left after 2 or 3 weeks because she teaches like this, "The plice of the chicken lice" and                   this we deserve better lecturers.

Ms. Tan - Left after 2 or 3 weeks because "She's tired"

Ms. Boey - *speechless* Let's just say she can go around the bush quite often and requires the                     class to go.. "YES!!! OKAY!!!! MMMM!!!" -.-
                    According to her, Mun Loong drives the ferarri and she drives the lorry. -.-

That's her.. and Mun Loong's Peel Fresh orange juice.


We went for breakfast in Sunrise McD and Mun Loong's driving.. let's just say I screamed a lot.

And.. apparently everytime he fetches me, there will be a police stopping him. It happened twice already. XD

Then.. we had lunch break and everybody crammed into En Shi's AVANZA! XD.. 7 people to be exact.. and we went to Gurney..

En Shi, you could have killed us with that crazy driving up that windy thingy try to compete with TJ. -.-

I call this.. Mickey Mouse mia fried rice. XD (Shi Shi's flied lice XD)

Class was boring and I was "fishing".. but it was hilarious at times.. with the jokes and reactions and people "being serious". XD

The day before yesterday, Cheryl kidnapped Mooky and brought it up for Business class..

HILARIOUS. Practically everyone in the class hugged/squeezed/whatever it.

That's pretty much I guess..


Signing out,


BATman already went to Australia without putting my cats into a suitcase. =(

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 30, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Happyness Talks said...

    the plice of the chicken lice.


  1. ... on March 31, 2008 at 6:28 PM  
  2. Ee Lynn said...

    hahah.. there are more. XD

  3. ... on March 31, 2008 at 9:06 PM