Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all. (yeah right)
I changed no.15
1. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yeah. Kevin Cheng. XD. But in reality, no.
2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you, and why?
Abby - Just because she said some nice stuff about me. And then insulted me. -.- Typical Abby.
But she's alright. =)
Jasryn - Cause she can write practically about everything and cam whores a lot. XD
Rachel - Cause she has a lot of hilarious posts and is good at crapping as well. XD
3.What place do you want to go the most?
Hong Kong
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Do you even have to ask? To be thinner, if not, make everyone else fatter. XD
5. What do you feel like doing right now?
6. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
My family, including my "four legged siblings" (pets la)
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Save it, splurge a bit on myself, give some for charity and get a good education.
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Okay.. this is tough. I'd prefer keeping it to myself. My point of view - Guys would freak out if they found out I like/love them.
9.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Smart, thrifty and has a good command of English?
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Tall, strong, tanned, smart, loving, caring, loves and devoted to Him, funny, cute, good looking, smells good, ada gaya and the list goes on. XD.. Can't blame me for having my head in cloud nine.
11. Which type of people do you hate the most?
Rude people as well..
12. Which do you prefer from your other half? A hug or a kiss?
A nice long hug. =)
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
Point it out to me. But not in a way that can embarass me in front of people nor try to pick a fight about it.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Believing and having as well. =)
15. If there was something in your life that you could change, what would it be?
Bullying people in school. XD
16. What kind of electronic device/gadget you own that you like most?
My handphone.
17. If you had the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Childish and easily amused.
18. What makes you feel disappointed?
When I have high hopes on something and it doesn't go on the way I wanted it to be.
19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?
Sorta.. Life wouldn't be as exciting anymore if we could predict the future huh? But in a way, I can also try to stop myself from doing something I would regret.
20. What do your friends label you as?
"Cheerful", laugh a lot, practical, most likely to be a good housewife -.-, weird, random, crazy, funny, whatever they can come up with la. And some are better left unsaid. -.-
I now tag.........
Karyn Ooi
Jasryn Ng
Chong Yen
Melissa Hoo
Tracy Khong
Rachel Liew
Patrice Chan
Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all. (yeah right)
I changed no.15
1. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yeah. Kevin Cheng. XD. But in reality, no.
2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you, and why?
Abby - Just because she said some nice stuff about me. And then insulted me. -.- Typical Abby.
But she's alright. =)
Jasryn - Cause she can write practically about everything and cam whores a lot. XD
Rachel - Cause she has a lot of hilarious posts and is good at crapping as well. XD
3.What place do you want to go the most?
Hong Kong
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Do you even have to ask? To be thinner, if not, make everyone else fatter. XD
5. What do you feel like doing right now?
6. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
My family, including my "four legged siblings" (pets la)
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Save it, splurge a bit on myself, give some for charity and get a good education.
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Okay.. this is tough. I'd prefer keeping it to myself. My point of view - Guys would freak out if they found out I like/love them.
9.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Smart, thrifty and has a good command of English?
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Tall, strong, tanned, smart, loving, caring, loves and devoted to Him, funny, cute, good looking, smells good, ada gaya and the list goes on. XD.. Can't blame me for having my head in cloud nine.
11. Which type of people do you hate the most?
Rude people as well..
12. Which do you prefer from your other half? A hug or a kiss?
A nice long hug. =)
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
Point it out to me. But not in a way that can embarass me in front of people nor try to pick a fight about it.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Believing and having as well. =)
15. If there was something in your life that you could change, what would it be?
Bullying people in school. XD
16. What kind of electronic device/gadget you own that you like most?
My handphone.
17. If you had the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Childish and easily amused.
18. What makes you feel disappointed?
When I have high hopes on something and it doesn't go on the way I wanted it to be.
19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?
Sorta.. Life wouldn't be as exciting anymore if we could predict the future huh? But in a way, I can also try to stop myself from doing something I would regret.
20. What do your friends label you as?
"Cheerful", laugh a lot, practical, most likely to be a good housewife -.-, weird, random, crazy, funny, whatever they can come up with la. And some are better left unsaid. -.-
I now tag.........
Karyn Ooi
Jasryn Ng
Chong Yen
Melissa Hoo
Tracy Khong
Rachel Liew
Patrice Chan
Happyness Talks said...
ehhhh u wan2 bring me to the deserted island ar????yay!! toucheD!!! hehe lol