What do you do when you have too much spare time on your hand and it's the day after April Fool's Day when people think you won't fool them?

You type www.winterrowd.com in your address bar and click enter.

Then, you pick a scary little game and forward it to all your friends. Mostly to those with faint heart. XD

You watch their expressions and get a good laugh from it. =)

There you go..

It will certainly put a smile.. wait.. no, a smirk on your face if you're feeling down.


Some reactions might be unexpected.

Remember to clear a space for that person to run away from the computer. XD

-.- Blogger won't let me upload the video here..

Watch it in Abby's blog instead.

Marcus's reaction :

Startled for a few seconds and walked away then proceed to scold all of us who were laughing like mad.

Sean Seow's reaction :

"Er.. okay.. What is it for?"

Kevin's reaction :

*threw the earphones*
*ran away*
*teared up*
*claimed he was a man of emotions*


Glady's reaction :

*shouted at not passing through level 2*
*made everyone so "kan cheong" and trying to stop themselves from bursting into laughter*
*she herself got so "kan cheong" but took out the earphones.. (MINUS-ed the sound effect)*
*shouted and ran away*


Andy's reaction :

*made a cute sign*
"That made my heart.. woah..*

Yu Wei's reaction :

"Lu lang mang cho wah eh la"
"Wa chai lu lang uu something ai ha wa eh"
"Kha teng uu mi kia ha wa eh"


"wa eh sim"
"bo lah.. wa si ho lu lang kua nia la.. wa bo kia eh"


So yeah.. you got my point.

*inserts advertisement*

Nokia phone -RM 500

AP microSD card - RM 50

Recording their funny reactions and watching it again and again and laughing. - PRICELESS.

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