White Gummy : "EI? Where's my Red Ferarri's tyre?"

(notice how the door can be opened? Cool eh? =p)

Drunk Green Gummy : "Huh? what tyre?"
White Gummy : "You drunk fool! Our tyre. ILEK POCHI!"

White Gummy : "OH NO OH NO OH NO! BLACK ANT! Don't eat me!!!!!"
Drunk Green Gummy : "Huh what black ant? Eat? I want... gummy burgers and gummy fries... with gummy coke"

WhiteGummy : "OIK! IT'S COMING!!! AHH!!!!"
Drunk Green Gummy : *snores*

End of story.
No more gummy bear stories.
I ate all of them.
Yum Yum.
If you want more gummy bear stories, buy me some =)

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