Chongs Mings Yens.
I don't even know where to begin..
The sessions in the KH room with Ms. Ong.
The sessions in Welesley Church's kindy with Ms. Ong.
The sleepover at Ms. Ong's.
The heart to heart sessions.
The visits to my house and your house.
The meetings we had for MBS CC.
The times when you all were there for me.
The times when we all had misunderstandings.
The jokes.
The laughter.
The nonsense we did.
The nonsense we all talked about.
The SHK and THK jokes.
The recess time nonsense, jokes and food sharing.
The SIC "bonding".
The tuitions.
The outings.
You're my,
SIC, SHK, Twin, Chongo, Fats, and sooo many more..
Those things are irreplaceable =)
I just want you to know I've been missing you
every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year =)
I love you Chong Ming Yen =)
May God bless you abundantly!
You've been a blessing to me =)