Do you get cravings when you study?

I do. =)

Lynn wants to do sooo many things after AS. says:
I wanna eat chocolatessss

Loong In One™ : --Game Start-- Time to play the game~ says:
buy for you
after AS

Lynn wants to do sooo many things after AS. says:
I want cakes..

Loong In One™ : --Game Start-- Time to play the game~ says:
bring you to chocolate house
and choose

Lynn wants to do sooo many things after AS. says:
ish.. so sarcastic

Loong In One™ : --Game Start-- Time to play the game~ says:
bring you go secret recipe
where got
then suak
don't want lo

Lynn wants to do sooo many things after AS. says:
hahaha ehh ehhh
I WANT!!!!

Loong In One™ : --Game Start-- Time to play the game~ says:
only one item

Lynn wants to do sooo many things after AS. says:
Yay mr MONEY loong chia
I want cakes from Ritz, not Secret Recipe

Loong In One™ : --Game Start-- Time to play the game~ says:
money loong so pai tia la

Lynn wants to do sooo many things after AS. says:
I shall save this conversation as proof.
and you still owe me sushi king
=) =)

Loong In One™ : --Game Start-- Time to play the game~ says:
I will never break promise k

Lynn wants to do sooo many things after AS. says:
*rolls eyes*
we'll see =p

Tee Hee.

When you have friends with wallets that are so thick that they can burst any moment,
Do them a favour, help them spend a little.
I'm sure they don't mind.

Mr. MONEY Loong.
I'm pretty sure you won't regret being his friend.

If I was a rich girl,
See, I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl
No man could test me, impress me, my cash flow would never ever end
Cause I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl.

Don't mind the retard face.
I wass too happy with the money in my hand.

"Friendship needs no words..."
 Dag Hammarskjold.

A stroll down memory lane.

I hope that when we grow old, if there's time..

We'll look at photos again and laugh at every bit of memory that we shared.

May God continue to bless and keep you safe no matter where you are.


 "The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without" growing apart.
Elizabeth Foley


I sense some war going on..

Nonetheless, FUN. =P

Dear Undeserving Bitch,

Let me put my two cents in. Anyone with half a brain can see right through you. Your grammar is atrocious and you try to make up for that oh-so-obvious fact by using "BIG" words that you yourself cannot comprehend. A 5-year-old can purchase a dictionary and pick random words out of it. A 5-year-old has better syntactic grasp than you will ever have.

I speak for a lot of people when I honestly tell you that you suck, big time. And that is just putting matters lightly. You truly taint the arts and its community. Do us all a favour and stop kidding yourself into believing that you can actually write. The difference between an author and a "self-publisher" like yourself, is that an author's work is substantially non-nauseating and will actually appeal to the intellectual crowd. You on the other hand, not so much (and I mean that in the I-would-not-as-much-as-to-even-wipe-my-bottom-with-your-"literary-works" fashion).

And right now, you probably think that I'm just jealous of you, as the whole world is. Again honey, do not kid yourself into believing that there are "haters" out there that want to be you. These people are merely normal people, with their heads screwed on right, telling you that you are a complete disgrace to the fraternity. Seriously, please die. You deserve to die a slow, painful death.

A Writer. A true one.


@anonymous - That's malicious and unnecessary. Her grammar atrocious? You can't just go around pulling shit like that out of your ass. Why don't you back that statement up with something? She might be self-obsessed, bratty, bitchy etc but I think it's indisputable her grasp of the language is top-notch.


Dear Evolvescence,

I don't need to back anything up as it is blatantly obvious that she makes BASIC grammatical errors on her blog posts. And who rattled your cage? Are the both of you lovers or something?

p.s. Get a hobby! This right here is not my life, I am merely voicing out my concerns and thoughts. And you clearly need to get your head checked as your sense of cognition has gone awry. Hah, "it's indisputable her grasp of the language is top-notch", my ass.


Fun, no?


Nuff said.

Photo taken from Deviantart.
Originally black and white.
Editted in Photoshop.

Tee Hee.. Thanks Yench. XD


My friends know me best. =p

Many people know the dangers of doing so..

But do they actually care nor take an action?


Not until something like this happens..

And no, I'm not done yet..

If you don't stop doing that same old bad habit of yours..

I think it's best for you to press escape if you have a weak stomach or faint hearted or something..

I mean it...


Well, you asked for it...

The remaining pictures shows what happened to the body of the driver of
the black vehicle.

They are VERY graphic.

I've warned you about this....

So yeah... What are YOU going to do about it?

Ignore and regret it when someone actually happens?

Or drive safely and not cause the lives of other people?

It's your choice.

11 year old boy from South Korea whose dream is to become a professional acoustic fingerstyle guitarist.

His statement :

"Hi, I'm Sungha Jung from South Korea. My dream is to become a professional acoustic fingerstyle guitarist.

I had been watching my dad play the guitar for awhile before I finally jumped on it myself two years ago. I just turned eleven in September, 2007.

Currently, I am taking weekly classical guitar lessons and teaching myself fingerstyle guitar.

I used to not have tabs for the music that I played in my videos. I just listen and pick them up directly from the sound source in videos available on the internet. However, recently, I have started playing with original tabs whenever they are available to me by courtesy of the authors.

My guitar is custom made to fit my body size, and on it, Thomas Leeb wrote "Keep on grooving to my friend."

I'm very grateful to those prominent guitarists who have had a great influence on my guitar playing. I'll continue to study them and learn more about interpretation of music and various playing techniques.

My daily practice routine lasts for one to two hours when school is open, but I play up to three hours a day during the school breaks.

It usually takes me two to three days to practice and videotape a new piece but sometimes up to a week for more difficult ones.

Last, but certainly not least, I can't thank Ulli Bögershausen enough for being my musical inspiration."

Go listen to some of his songs


His myspace

He is one talented musician I tell you. 

Composing two songs by the age of 11 when he's too small for a normal guitar and has to have one custom made.

Got talent onot I tell u?

How I know???

Maybe you tone deaffff

Maybe you dunno what is guitarrrrr

I wuv him k

Okay, so we got a little impatient over our new puppy.

We brought it home today. =)

And if you readers of don't know,
I already have:

A cat, Cutey

An Australian silky terrier, Don

A goldfish, Goldie 

*photo unavailable*

I should probably open a petting zoo.. I'm bugging my mom for a kitten every week.. so we'll see. *winks*

Moving on, his original name, RENOX.

Sounds like some medicine doncha think?  

Haha.. I decided to call it Jack. =) Not SI-TOH-BE-LI mind you..

Thing is.. I have a cousin named Jack as well..


Lynn : JACK!!!

*cousin and dogs comes running to me cluelessly* =P

Okay... I went a lil overboard taking photos of him..

 Be jealous of me.. =p

Yes, he slept like this.

Ah! The cuteness/blurness/stupidness of a puppy..

Can you imagine Don used to be so innocent and blur like this?

And now he's the DOG ON CRACK according to a few people.

But still cute in his own way. =)

On a side note, it was jacky's birthday two days ago..

Tee Hee.. Lil boybeing all happy with his donuts.

RM 5 per entrance if you wanna come pat my lil Jack. =)

Tracy came over to my house to study today..

We studied quite a bit till we started..






then we realized we chatted more than we studied..

So we continued studying..


*the Hosanna song started playing on my phone*
*sees Mom's face and her name on the phone*

Lynn : Heellloooo?
Mom : Your dad bought a schnauzer.

*screams/shouts/yells/smiled/jumps around like some crazy girl*
*Tracy wondering if I had just won lottery or something*

Lynn : ARE YOU SERIOUS???? AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom : Yealah! You all must help take care of him etc k..
Mom : 1k la... considered cheap d ma.. Your daddy saw.. and buy lo... Male.. Can go bring him             back next week.
Lynn : AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY WAN AH???? AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

*it goes on...*


*calls Karyn*

Karyn : *just woke up from sleep*

*continues spreading JOY*


*messages Josh, Aimy*
*getting all excited*

*chose funny names with Tracy and Joshua*

  1.  Joshua
  2. Andy
  3. Berry
  4. SI TO BE LI
  5. Banana pancakes
  6. Strawberry pancakes
  7. SI TO BEH LI pancakes
  8. Xiao Gui
  9. Xiau Matthew
  10. Deeps
  11. Many more sissy-fied names
okay... so maybe I was over reacting a little..



Tracy and Joshua : You're sooo gonna play with it soooo much till you'll neglect                                         your studies and AS.

Heh, maybe a lil . =p

Anyways, we continued studying, had lunch.. till...

Tracy : I wanna go Andy Beng's house..
Lynn  : Ah? haha okay..

*Tracy calls Andy Beng*
*plan failed - Andy Beng TARAK KAT RUMAH*


Tracy : I wanna eat desserts..
Lynn  : Leng Chi Kang!!!

*couldn't find a place that sells Leng Chi Kang at this hour*

Tracy : Wei let's go somewhere.
Lynn  : Let's go GBC and kacau people there. =p
Tracy : EHHH! KIA! Let's go see Joshua play. XD XD *winks at Tracy* HAHA

*messages Joshua and Edmundo*

*nobody replied*


*Joshua replied*

*Two crazy girls with one having too much 012 credit calls the sleepy head*

 Minor blackmail. =p

*Had half an hour chat of nothing-ness and laughter*


Tracy decided to go home in the end...

I need suggestions for my new puppy's name.

Drop me comments if you have any nice ones. =)

It's a male. Bear that in mind. And no, I don't want it to be gay.

On a side note,

And people wonder why there are so many kidnapping cases. -.-

Dnum De says: all the energy u use for laughing, can power a car

ames says: next time you laugh, i connect you to my car

ames says: lol, then emo time ma no need to drive


Scenario 1

Girl  : I don't wanna go out with you anymore..
Guy : But why??
Girl  : Cause I got nothing to wear.. =(
Guy : *flashes PLATINUM CARD* Let's go shopping and I'll buy you new clothes.

Scenario 2

Girl  : That dress looks sooo nice.. but I already overspent. =(

*girl turns and walks away looking oh so pitiful*
*guy buys dress and suprises girl*

Girl  :  Oh.. I never thought you would..... Thank you sweetie.. =p

Scenario 3

Guy : Order anything you want.. *flashes PLATINUM CARD*


which girl haven't dreamt of having a super LOADED guy?


SI-TOH-BE-LI Milk!!!


Real SI-TOH-BE-LI Joooseee!!!

Copied and pasted from JASRYN'S BLOG

Well as my friends know, Jas and I can't exactly converse properly in Mandarin.. Us trying to speak
in Mandarin often result in laughter. Well, since she's taking Mandarin lessons in Uplands and I 
now have 90% of my coursemates coming from Chinese schools and even China, we're picking up
pretty fast.. Or so we think........ 

I have to thank Jas for translating all of it and taking the courtesy to correct my pin yin.. =)

Laugh all you want.. but do thank us if you pick up a few new words. =p 

Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
ching tian wo che hen tua tong xi (Today I ate a lot of stuff)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
wo che mien bao, che jawa mien, che chung. (I ate bread, Jawa mee, bak chang)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
XD ni le?(You?)
Jas: Unravel says:
wo liu dian ban qi chuang... mei you shi jian che zao fan (I woke up at 6.30am... didn't have time to eat breakfast)
Jas: Unravel says:
wu fan wo che hen duo dong xi... che fan, che yu (I ate a lot of stuff at lunch. Ate rice, ate fish... truth be told I didn't eat rice but I don't know how to describe food)
Jas: Unravel says:
ta men zuo de fan bu hao che!!!! (Their food is not nice!! Also an exaggeration)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
hahah kui ma ta men de fan? (Hahah... expensive or not the food?)
Jas: Unravel says:
hen kui le .... RM7... suo yi wo mei you qian chu mai dong xi (Very expensive. RM 7. So I have no money to buy stuff)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
ni nah fan chu uplands lo.. (Take food to Uplands lo)
Jas: Unravel says:
wo ping shi dai wu fan chu xue xiao ke shi jin tian wo qi chuang tai wan (I normally bring lunch to school but today I woke up too late)

Now here comes the best part:

Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
what is chuang tai wan?
Jas: Unravel says:
qi chuang is wake up, i know tai is like too
Jas: Unravel says:
wan is supposedly late but i dunno if i can use it here
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
oh.. too late
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
hahaah XD
Jas: Unravel says:
correct ar? i crap nia
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
i accept nia..

As you can see... its a case of the blind leading the blind. Keep reading... if you haven't stopped that is. It gets worse:

Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
ni kan la.. ni che mo.. (asking mun loong for translation) yin jian (See la ... you're so -pending translation- yin jian)
Jas: Unravel says:
apa tu yin jian??? (What the heck is yin jian?)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
Jas: Unravel says:


Ummm.... various parts of this conversation have been censored following that. Nevermind. Just keep going:

Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
wo che mo ke ai! XD (I'm very cute.)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
ni che mo yin jian XD (You're very hiao.)
Jas: Unravel says:
ni ke ai? ni pian wo le (You're cute? You're lying to me.)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
wo bu ke ai meh?? =( (I'm not cute?)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
then wo se mo? (Then what am I?)
Jas: Unravel says:
ni ye yin jian (You're hiao too.)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
wo che mo innocent.. (I'm very innocent.)

Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
ehhh wo siang nian ni men laaa.. ( Ehhh.... I miss you all.)
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
wo bu ke yi bully ni liau (I can't bully you anymore.)
Jas: Unravel says:
uhhhh... apa la... how to continue
Jas: Unravel says:

Jas: Unravel says:
wo men you jia de shi hou, wo men chu ... mai dong xi!! che wan fan!!! kan dian ying!!!! (When we're on holiday, we go out... shopping!!! Dinner!!! Movie!!!)
Jas: Unravel says:
sorry... i only know shopping, dinner and movies... the rest of the stuff would be let's go play volleyball/ basketball/ tennis
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
Jas: Unravel says:
wei, kids book k, they don't teach you how to say
Jas: Unravel says:
Lynn - I'm against gay being against people being against gays. says:
hao ah!!! (Sounds good!!)

And how did our conversation end?

Jasryn Ng says:
ok wo chu zuo zuo ye (I shall go do homework)
Lynn - I'm against gays being against people being against gays. says:
ah?? zuo zuo ye?
Jasryn Ng says:
tai duo zuo ye (do homework)
zuo ye is homework
Lynn - I'm against gays being against people being against gays. says:
chuo kong ke bu se meh? (Isn't it Chuo Kong Ke?)
Jasryn Ng says:
wo bu chi tao.... wo de lao shi gen wo shou zuo ye (I don't know.. My lecturer taught me that)
Lynn - I'm against gays being against people being against gays. says:
haha alright

I came across this..


In Rachel's blog..

Personally, I've never seen anyone who loves themselves as much as he does.

Don't know what I mean?


And Rachel,

Happy Sweet 18!

Still remembering those days when you were.. NERDY =p

*inserts Business Studies stuff* (up to you to read it or not)

To satisfy the demand of the consumers, firms have come up with a variety of marker pens.

Instead of the usual flat tipped, marker pen used for drawing on your usual Primary 6 nonsensical projects, they now come up with different tips sizes, colours, shapes, and soooo many more with the help of technological advances and machinery that can cut costs and produce effectively and even experience economies of scales, thus increasing the productivity and efficiency
of the production.

With the competition faced by different firms nowadays to keep up with the changes in consumer's taste and preferences, prices of marker pens are now cheaper and more affordable depending on the kinds of marker pen the consumers want.

Consumers ranging from artists to little primary students' demand for marker pen is also one of the reason why marker pens are cheaper, which is the market based price.

Uh.. okay.. I'm crapping too much..

Business paper 1 tomorrow..

Wish me all the best.. =)

Anyways, to cut to the point,

I loveee marker pens.. why?

Here's what I did with marker pens..

  1. (picture unavailable) Drew Mickey Mouses on Karyn's pink and white polka dotted pencil box.
  2. (picture unavailable) Drew stuff on my bottle.
  3. (picture unavailable) Drew stuff on Mun Loong's bottle.
  4. (picture unavailable) Drew random stuff on random things.
  5. Last but not least,

My latest work of art on Karyn's wallet. =p

Oh.. forgot to take a picture of the smiley face I drew on her keychain. XD

Mom's boss came to Malaysia the other day..

And brought back the Twisties, MADE IN AUSTRALIA my mom was craving for..

The taste? Totally different.

Anyways, mom's new office has an


Haven't fully renovated yet, but the space is huge enough for me to run around like some little kid high on sugar if I wanted to.


So we bought raspberries the other day, for RM16.99..

In the car..

Dad : SIAU!! How can you all buy such expensive fruits?? I don't print money if you all haven't           noticed.
Mom : Aiya once in a while mah.. They never tasted it before ..
Dad : *mumbles on more*
Lynn and Yvonne : We pay you back la yorrr..
Dad : Give me some!
Lynn : *gives dad one raspberry*
Dad : So little!!!
Lynn : *gives another one* we have to pay wan k. Ish.
Dad : Siau wan.. Raspberry so moh-moh (hairy)


Was eating raspberries while watching some cantonese drama when..

Mom : They call strawberris, SI-TOH-BE-LY in Hong Kong.. What about Raspberries?

Dad   : No, *censoredtetebellycensored*
Mom : Don, you want some *censoredtetebellycensored* ?

Lynn and Yvonne proceeded to laugh non stop on the sofa..

5 minutes later...

Still laughing.

10 minutes later...

Still laughing.

Now now, why am I so "weird" at times?

I have such interesting parents.. How can I not be? =p

My sister...


Her reaction?

If you're well dressed, she thinks you're a playboy.
If you're not, she thinks you're rugged.

If you kis her, you're not a gentleman.
If you don't, you're not a man.

If you praise her, she thinks you're a liar.
If you don't, you're good for nothing.

If you agree with all her likes, she is abusing.
If you don't, you're not understanding.

If you make romance, you're an experienced man.
If you don't, you're a half half man.

If you visit her often, she thinks it's boring.
If you don't, she accuses you of double crossing.

If you visit another, she acusses you of being bad.

If she's visited by another, "Oh it's natural, I'm a girl."

If you're a minute late, she complains it's "hard to wait".
If you come on time, for hours she makes you wait.

If you propose love within a brief acquaitanceship, you're a fresh guy.
If you postpone love to later, she wonders why and is not glad.

If you fail to assist her in crossing the street, you lack ethic.
If you do, she thinks it's just a man's tactics.

If you're jealous, she says it's bad.
If you're not, she doubts your love for her.

If you kiss her, you're trying to get fresh.
If you don't, you're a coward.

If you attempt a romance, she says you don't respect her,
If you don't she thinks you don't like her.

If you listen, she wants you to talk.
If you talk, she wants you to listen.

If you contradict her, she does not like it.
If you don't, she thinks you're afraid.

Oh women!!!

So simple yet so complex.
So weak yet so powerful.
So confusing yet can be so understanding.



You Are % Lady

You tend to make up your rules of etiquette, throwing all conventions aside.

And while you try to be a lady (sometimes), your behavior is often quite shocking.

Okay... Now I know why most people won't call me.. a girl..

like in Mun Loong's car with Yik Sean, Cheryl and TJ..

Mun Loong : I don't dare speed nia.. Got two girls in the car..
Yik Sean     :  Ah? Got meh? I only see one..
Mun Loong : Oh yeah hor!


Went to the state library with Tracy today..

It was.. crowded.

We went up...

We came down...

We looked for a place to sit..

Sat with random people..

We decided to go and call Edmund and omong guy who didn't bother to pick up my call..

We went to the kid's library only to be told that we weren't allowed to go in. -.-

We went back to the library..

We went up...

Juicy came...

Edmund came.. FINALLY..

Decided to go to McD since Edmund owed me a chocolate sundae..

McD was too noisy...

Went to Trinity Methodist Church..

We ended up being fascinated by little things..  


and little envolopes on the uniform of the Boys' Brigade.

and Edmund, your driving...

I wonder how you pass your driving in the first place.

Did you manage to reach home without having to push your car all the way home because of the lack of petrol? XD

On a side note,

I have a university named after me..

Well, not really.. Just a person with the same name. =p