Kiran's theory.
It's supposed to look like a food pyramid, just.. upside down.
Why? The number of victims are countless.
I shall further explain the
Was a victim of bully in primary. But is bullying people while having fun at the same time. No specific reason to bully. Mostly for pleasure and self satisfaction.
Yang Wei Jin -
Most powerful weapon? His mouth. Number of people offended/bullied by him? Practically everyone he meets. Yes, even his girlfriend.
Wong Wai Kit -
So far as observed, bullies Melvin the most, and a few others. Never been bullied. Or so the observers think.
Niresh -
Has the most powerful weapon as well. The mouth. But has the ability to give a smirk and raise his eyebrows to make him seem innocent.
Pondan, Raccoon, Trollz -
Have to bully in a group. Without each other, it wouldn't be complete.
Sneha -
Mostly bullies "weak-lings" like Kiran, Adelene, Karyn, Vayshna and so on. Performs best with the presence of Jemimah.
Jemimah -
Master of all prank calls. A lot have become victim to this predator. Bullies people ranging from teachers to school gardeners and even strangers.
Bullies mainly Lynn for self satisfaction and to cure boredom. Sometimes team up with friends to bully a friend. Also, for laughs and to cure boredom. But get bullied by her boyfriend and his friends. Pity. Bruises and stuff on the arm? Yes, it's the LOVE BITES.
Karyn - Bullies more gullible people for self satisfaction. Might bully to cure boredom as well. Mostly
bullies people like Adelene and Kilan-Cheet. But most of the time, she ends up getting bullied by Lynn, Sneha, Jemimah, Aimy and the list goes on. It depends on how gullible she is at times. Reaction? Super cute. =)
Lynn -
Bullies people since kidnergarten. Was a gangster with Felicia and Wen Lee being her "konco". Bullies people for self satisfaction, to cure boredom and to laugh non stop at. Loves seeing other people's reaction. Usually ends up being bullied by a group of people "shooting" her at the same time. Never fails to make Jemimah and Sneha laugh at the reaction she gave during a prank call. Also, bullied by her coursemates and the gang of "THIN PEOPLE", eg, Aimy, Joshua, Wei Jin, etc.
Joshua -
Master of shooting people. Also, best weapon is the mouth. Has the ability to tease/bully people non-stop. Hates it when people laugh too much. Gangs up with Deepak to tease "boozie" about her laughing at random stuff. Bullies people whom he thinks are weird, FRESHSNOW, as an example. Pudu people and many more.
Unfortunately, ends up being bullied by Abigail. SS's. < -- Abby's favourite term at the moment.
Deepak -
Yet again, teases Tracy, Lynn and probably a few more other victims. Likes to imitate people to tease/bully them. Unfortunately, when he tries to imitate the victim and the victim gives him the "weird look". He'll say, "go to hell". Not that good of a bully. More of.. an entertainment. Especially when he starts speaking Hokkien.
Tracy -
Likes to bully her ANDY BENG by hiding his stuff and all. Enjoys seeing their reactions when they find out something is missing. Doesn't really bully people but ends up getting bullied by Deepak with her common phrases like, "sien wor", "cute wor" and many more.
Kilan-Cheet -
Her reactions? Cute. =P. Mostly responds to teasings about her being PRETTY, HOT, SEXY and so on. In love with weird people. Is very mean at times. Laughs at other "weak-lings" but ends up getting bullied terribly by Sneha, Jemimah, Lynn, and Karyn.
Adelene -
Her reactions? You probably have to get her loud speakers to even hear what she replies. Many have claimed to have mastered the art of lip reading because of her. Fun to bully. Has a "I'm innocent and cute" face.
Nicole -
Was a victim of bully probably ever since she was born. Has a very cute reaction when being bullied. Learned the "bully-defence" since form 4 from her close friends. Is capable of sarcasm now. Still gets bullied every now and then. Even though she's in Australia.
Jasryn -
A victim of Karyn. Gets bullied at times by Lynn, Aimy and Denise. Is fun to bully when she's in a good mood. It is advised that you leave her alone when she's in a bad mood. Her sarcasm and taekwando skills (black belt, second dan) will probably kill you before you even say your first word to do something to bully her. Her stare is scary. But still, a victim of bully. =)
Rebecca -
Victim of Karyn when she was the Monitor of the class. It's always nice to joke and fool around with her. Reactions are pretty big, especially when it comes to bullying her by saying anime sucks or pretty Japanese guys are gay. Wants to become a gay herself. -.-
Edmund -
Terrible sense of humour. Always gets bullied and teased about dancing for HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. Even got bullied on his 18th birthday.
Andy -
Will always find his things missing mainly because of Tracy, Abby and Joshua. Reactions are sometimes unpredictable. Has a limit to being bullied. Like he says, "There's a limit to everything okay". Will probably say F*** when being bullied.
Marcus -
19 year old? He must be joking. Reacts like a 7 year old kid. Has "rare sense" according to Abigail. Gullible enough to be bullied and teased. Almost everything he does or says is worthy of laughing at because it probably makes no sense anyways.
Kay Wen (Kevin) -
Victim of the Winterrowd game. Has the biggest reaction.
Anand -
His nicknames never fail to make people laugh. Sri Ananddd's Bak Wan, Sri Onion Bawang, you can do wonders with his name. His reaction never fails to amuse people. Bullies Melvin as well. But, WHO DOESN'T?
Melissa -
Her "innocent-ness" will make you even wanna bully her more. =p Is always falling for people's tricks. XD. Cheeky but still get bullied by others.
Vayshna -
Victim of the famous predators of MGS. Sneha and Jemimah. Victim of pranks ranging from match-making to prank calls and teases.
En Shi -
Gets bullied because of his pathetic-and-desperate-ness. XD Yes, still single.
Mr. Sanjay, Paul Mohan (subsitute teachers) -
You can bully them non stop, tease and all and they still won't get it or know that you're bullying them.
Melvin -
Forever a victim, never a predator. Probably dumb and gullible enough to be bullied by everyone.. especially his school mates. Reactions are pretty funny at times. He may give you a "beh syok" face but he's always "cool" about it. Can be bullied with almost anything at all. Always end up being teased badly at almost
EVERYTHING he does. He even gets bullied by victims.
List ends here. Feel free to suggest other victims or predators with comments. =)
Yes, that was Mc Delivery's number. Who can possibly remember the talian buli hotline??
Just when I thought other people could not be more random than me, I found this.. under a table during GP.
Cute innit?
wheee. *chops Karyn's face into half* =p
It's supposed to look like a food pyramid, just.. upside down.
Why? The number of victims are countless.
I shall further explain the
(They bully people without getting bullied)
Abigail - (They bully people without getting bullied)
Was a victim of bully in primary. But is bullying people while having fun at the same time. No specific reason to bully. Mostly for pleasure and self satisfaction.
Yang Wei Jin -
Most powerful weapon? His mouth. Number of people offended/bullied by him? Practically everyone he meets. Yes, even his girlfriend.
Wong Wai Kit -
So far as observed, bullies Melvin the most, and a few others. Never been bullied. Or so the observers think.
Niresh -
Has the most powerful weapon as well. The mouth. But has the ability to give a smirk and raise his eyebrows to make him seem innocent.
Pondan, Raccoon, Trollz -
Have to bully in a group. Without each other, it wouldn't be complete.
Sneha -
Mostly bullies "weak-lings" like Kiran, Adelene, Karyn, Vayshna and so on. Performs best with the presence of Jemimah.
Jemimah -
Master of all prank calls. A lot have become victim to this predator. Bullies people ranging from teachers to school gardeners and even strangers.
(Bullies people who are more prone to be bullied. Capability of bullying is not as good as Primary Bullies. Probably bullies people as a revenge for being bullied by Primary Bullies. )
Aimy -(Bullies people who are more prone to be bullied. Capability of bullying is not as good as Primary Bullies. Probably bullies people as a revenge for being bullied by Primary Bullies. )
Bullies mainly Lynn for self satisfaction and to cure boredom. Sometimes team up with friends to bully a friend. Also, for laughs and to cure boredom. But get bullied by her boyfriend and his friends. Pity. Bruises and stuff on the arm? Yes, it's the LOVE BITES.
Karyn - Bullies more gullible people for self satisfaction. Might bully to cure boredom as well. Mostly
bullies people like Adelene and Kilan-Cheet. But most of the time, she ends up getting bullied by Lynn, Sneha, Jemimah, Aimy and the list goes on. It depends on how gullible she is at times. Reaction? Super cute. =)
Lynn -
Bullies people since kidnergarten. Was a gangster with Felicia and Wen Lee being her "konco". Bullies people for self satisfaction, to cure boredom and to laugh non stop at. Loves seeing other people's reaction. Usually ends up being bullied by a group of people "shooting" her at the same time. Never fails to make Jemimah and Sneha laugh at the reaction she gave during a prank call. Also, bullied by her coursemates and the gang of "THIN PEOPLE", eg, Aimy, Joshua, Wei Jin, etc.
Joshua -
Master of shooting people. Also, best weapon is the mouth. Has the ability to tease/bully people non-stop. Hates it when people laugh too much. Gangs up with Deepak to tease "boozie" about her laughing at random stuff. Bullies people whom he thinks are weird, FRESHSNOW, as an example. Pudu people and many more.
Unfortunately, ends up being bullied by Abigail. SS's. < -- Abby's favourite term at the moment.
Deepak -
Yet again, teases Tracy, Lynn and probably a few more other victims. Likes to imitate people to tease/bully them. Unfortunately, when he tries to imitate the victim and the victim gives him the "weird look". He'll say, "go to hell". Not that good of a bully. More of.. an entertainment. Especially when he starts speaking Hokkien.
Tracy -
Likes to bully her ANDY BENG by hiding his stuff and all. Enjoys seeing their reactions when they find out something is missing. Doesn't really bully people but ends up getting bullied by Deepak with her common phrases like, "sien wor", "cute wor" and many more.
(also called the VICTIMS. Never fail to be bullied and never knows how to bully others.)
(also called the VICTIMS. Never fail to be bullied and never knows how to bully others.)
Kilan-Cheet -
Her reactions? Cute. =P. Mostly responds to teasings about her being PRETTY, HOT, SEXY and so on. In love with weird people. Is very mean at times. Laughs at other "weak-lings" but ends up getting bullied terribly by Sneha, Jemimah, Lynn, and Karyn.
Adelene -
Her reactions? You probably have to get her loud speakers to even hear what she replies. Many have claimed to have mastered the art of lip reading because of her. Fun to bully. Has a "I'm innocent and cute" face.
Nicole -
Was a victim of bully probably ever since she was born. Has a very cute reaction when being bullied. Learned the "bully-defence" since form 4 from her close friends. Is capable of sarcasm now. Still gets bullied every now and then. Even though she's in Australia.
Jasryn -
A victim of Karyn. Gets bullied at times by Lynn, Aimy and Denise. Is fun to bully when she's in a good mood. It is advised that you leave her alone when she's in a bad mood. Her sarcasm and taekwando skills (black belt, second dan) will probably kill you before you even say your first word to do something to bully her. Her stare is scary. But still, a victim of bully. =)
Rebecca -
Victim of Karyn when she was the Monitor of the class. It's always nice to joke and fool around with her. Reactions are pretty big, especially when it comes to bullying her by saying anime sucks or pretty Japanese guys are gay. Wants to become a gay herself. -.-
Edmund -
Terrible sense of humour. Always gets bullied and teased about dancing for HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. Even got bullied on his 18th birthday.
Andy -
Will always find his things missing mainly because of Tracy, Abby and Joshua. Reactions are sometimes unpredictable. Has a limit to being bullied. Like he says, "There's a limit to everything okay". Will probably say F*** when being bullied.
Marcus -
19 year old? He must be joking. Reacts like a 7 year old kid. Has "rare sense" according to Abigail. Gullible enough to be bullied and teased. Almost everything he does or says is worthy of laughing at because it probably makes no sense anyways.
Kay Wen (Kevin) -
Victim of the Winterrowd game. Has the biggest reaction.
Anand -
His nicknames never fail to make people laugh. Sri Ananddd's Bak Wan, Sri Onion Bawang, you can do wonders with his name. His reaction never fails to amuse people. Bullies Melvin as well. But, WHO DOESN'T?
Melissa -
Her "innocent-ness" will make you even wanna bully her more. =p Is always falling for people's tricks. XD. Cheeky but still get bullied by others.
Vayshna -
Victim of the famous predators of MGS. Sneha and Jemimah. Victim of pranks ranging from match-making to prank calls and teases.
En Shi -
Gets bullied because of his pathetic-and-desperate-ness. XD Yes, still single.
Mr. Sanjay, Paul Mohan (subsitute teachers) -
You can bully them non stop, tease and all and they still won't get it or know that you're bullying them.
Melvin -
Forever a victim, never a predator. Probably dumb and gullible enough to be bullied by everyone.. especially his school mates. Reactions are pretty funny at times. He may give you a "beh syok" face but he's always "cool" about it. Can be bullied with almost anything at all. Always end up being teased badly at almost
EVERYTHING he does. He even gets bullied by victims.
List ends here. Feel free to suggest other victims or predators with comments. =)
There goes... The theory of bulllism.
*quotes poster in MGS*
SILA HUBUNGI 1300 13 1300."
SILA HUBUNGI 1300 13 1300."
Yes, that was Mc Delivery's number. Who can possibly remember the talian buli hotline??
Just when I thought other people could not be more random than me, I found this.. under a table during GP.
Cute innit?
wheee. *chops Karyn's face into half* =p