The starter for the fluorescent light in our kitchen spoilt..

So my mom and I wanted to change it..

It was too high.. we couldn't reach it..

And the ladder wasn't an option for us as we both have phobias towards ladders..

Mom's afraid of heights, I'm just afraid of ladders but not the height. 

So yeah, our kitchen has been dark for a few days...

I can barely cook in the darkness.. so I skipped dinner.

My Dad's coming back tomorrow night..


And Abby,

7. Who is 4 going out with?
HAHAHAHAHA ask her! No wait don't. Ask me!! She's dating Joshykins, Cheeandy, Deepak, Eddyweddy, Pn Ng's son, Saviourknight, Sean Seow, and Bocco.

12. Would you make out with number 4?
I'd love to. *grins widely and shows off braces*

19. Who have you known the longest?
Ong Ee Lynn the Terrorist. Ong Ee Lynn the Hi-Fi Stereo. Ong Ee Lynn the Man-Hater (that became Horny Lynn short after). Ong Ee Lynn my SIC. Ong Ee Lynn my BFF.

25. What did no. 4 do for you that you can never forget?
Tell everybody not to 'friend' me in Standard 1, 2 and 3. Haha and she bought a pretty blue flowery bikini for my 16th birthday (crazy woman). Aiya I can remember EVERYTHING seriously!

Sigh.. I'm speechless about what you always do or say..

But that's the reason we're still friends till today. =p

On a random note,

Back in January..

Mom                : I give her two months.. She will find a boyfriend by then...
Mom's friend  : *laughs*
Lynn                : Are you sure? If there's none?
Mom                : Then the daughter I raised up for 18 years is unwanted and cannot find a                            husband d.

It's May now..



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